BDEA's mission is to serve Boston students up to age 23 who are two years or more behind grade level. BDEA students must be residents of the City of Boston. By charter school law, all Horace Mann Charter Schools, including BDEA, must admit students in the following order of preference:
- Siblings of students currently enrolled at BDEA. Siblings are defined for this purpose as persons who have a common parent, either biologically or legally through adoption. These will be considered Priority 1.
- Students who are currently enrolled in the public schools of the Boston Public Schools District. These will be considered Priority 2.
- All other students who reside in the City of Boston will be considered Priority 3.
Boston Day and Evening Academy does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, creed, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special needs, proficiency in the English language or a foreign language, or prior academic achievement. BDEA does not tolerate any form of discrimination, intimidation, threat, coercion, and/or harassment that insults the dignity of others by interfering with their freedom to learn and work. Information requested on this application is not intended, and will not be used, to discriminate. BDEA will not disclose any information provided on this application except to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, as required by state law.
Updated October 2018: Please note this application will be destroyed in accordance of State Law 603 CMR 23.00. Applicants can request a copy prior.