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  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
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  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

REQUIRED INFORMATION: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled out in order to submit this form. Sensitive financial data is encrypted.

If you have any concerns about submitting this form, review the SALTS Privacy Policy.

The Membership year runs January 1st - December 31st. Tax receipts for Membership Fees and Donations will be issued by February 28th of the year following the payment date.

Membership and the SALTS Mission

By applying for membership you are agreeing to fully support the mission and purposes of the Society.  The mission of SALTS is to create a safe and inclusive environment where young people can be themselves and grow personally, spiritually, and relationally through sail training in a supportive Christian-based community. We have four purposes that fall under this mission:
  1. To educate the public by providing traditional sail training and / or boat building courses, seminars, and workshops.

  2. To operate structured programs that address specific needs of young people.

  3. To advance, teach, and model spiritual growth and beliefs associated with the Christian faith.

  4. To advance education by providing sail training bursaries or other forms of financial assistance to young people from challenging life situations.
Membership Information

We look forward to your visit to our office to make your membershp payment! Public office hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 4:30pm local time, excepting stat holidays. We are located at 451 Herald Street, Victoria, BC (above the Craft Beer Market restaurant).
We look forward to your call to make your membershp payment! Public office hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 4:30pm Pacific time, excepting stat holidays.
Call 250-383-6811 (toll free 1-888-383-6811)

Please mail your payment cheque as soon as you are able. It can be made payable to SALTS Sail and Life Training Society at 451 Herald Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 3N8. Be sure to include a note to let us know that it is your membership payment; if you add a donation amount, please indicate how much you have added. Thank you!

Membership fees are inclusive of GST

Please enter any other information you would like us to have specific to this membership that is not covered by your entries above.

Optional - Add a Donation

This option is for one-time donations.  To set up an automatic recurring donation, please visit the standard donation form on our website, or call our office at 250-383-6811 (toll free 1-888-383-68911).


The future lies in the hands of young people, so let’s give them the helm! On board SALTS ships young people rise to the challenge. They step up, stand up, and live tall every day. They learn the value of hard work, real-life (off-screen) adventures, and overcoming obstacles. We help them understand their full potential and that they are loved and accepted for who they are. When they return to shore, they’ve tasted the abundance of community life and experienced the deep satisfaction of working together. Trainees often say they feel empowered to be their authentic selves, they are more aware of the needs of others, and they feel more confident in the face of life’s challenges.

  • Donations designated to where most needed or left undesignated give us the most flexibility to ensure every gift is used in the most effective way. Our spending is limited to Board-approved programs and purchases.

  • Donations designated to bursaries help young people with financial needs or those going through challenging life situations participate in our sailing programs.

  • Donations designated to ship maintenance and upgrade projects help prolong the life of our schooners, Pacific Swift and Pacific Grace, and enhance the trainee experience and safety. 
We are a registered charity in Canada (BN 119133619BC0001) and we have tax exempt (FORGN) status in the USA. Our finances are audited annually by an independent accounting firm. Donors are encouraged to seek the advice of an independent financial professional regarding any charitable gifts that might have a significant impact on their finances. 

A tax receipt for donations over $10 will be issued by February 28th of next year.

e.g. Mr. & Mrs. John Smith; John & Mary Smith; The John Smith Family; etc.

Please enter anything else you would like SALTS to know about this donation
(e.g. particular reason for donating if any - in honour or in memory of someone, etc.)
Personal Information

If you do not have a legal middle name, please enter "N/A"

Please list the name of each family member living under the same roof, and their relationship to you e.g. Jane Smith, wife; Joe Smith Jr., Son.
Contact by Email

Contact by Phone

Billing (Mailing) Address

Payment Information


Other Information

Please provide any other information you would like to share with SALTS
By checking this box, you give SALTS permission to send you emails not specifically related to your membership. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Clicking "Review" below will show you your responses; you will have a chance to make changes if needed. You must click "Confirm" at the bottom of the review screen in order for your membership to be received by SALTS.

If you receive an error message when you click 'Confirm' at the bottom of the review screen, do NOT attempt to resubmit as this can result in the payment being processed twice.

Contact us 
and we will check if the payment has gone through or not. Email info@salts.ca or call the office (numbers below); regular hours are Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm Pacific, except stat holidays.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

SALTS Sail and Life Training Society
Training young people by the sea for life
451 Herald Street Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 3N8
info@salts.ca     www.salts.ca

Phone: local 250-383-6811, toll free 1-888-383-6811