ACS WASC Visiting Committee Member Application

Please complete the form below to register as an ACS WASC visiting committee member. Upon submission of the completed form, you will be sent details of how to access the ACS WASC Member Portal. If you have recently retired, or moved to a non-accredited school, your application will be reviewed to ensure that you meet eligibility criteria.
Name and Employment

How should we pronounce your name correctly?

School Principal, another Member, etc

Start typing and a list of currently accredited and candidate schools will be shown for you to select.

Start typing and a list of organizations in ACS WASC evaluation areas will be shown for you to select.

Please include name and address

Previous Employment

ACS WASC requires that a visiting committee member does not have, and has not had, a staff, administrative, supervisory, governing, or other relationship with an institution being evaluated 
in the past 5 years.  We therefore need to ask about recent previous employment.

If you have changed jobs within the last 5 years
, please provide the name of the school or organization at which you were previously employed, your role or title, and the date on which you left that position.

Please include name and address

Email / Phone
At least one email address and one phone number are required.

Please include area code, and extension if appropriate.

Please include area code, and extension if appropriate.

Please include area code, and extension if appropriate.

Please include area code, and extension if appropriate.
Contact Addresses

We require your home address so that we don't ask you to travel too far to attend a visit, and also so that we can expedite reimbursement of expenses. 
Please help us by supplying a genuine address;  we won't share it with anyone else.

Assistant Contact Information
If you have an assistant, please provide their contact information below

Please include area code, and extension if appropriate.
Assistant Contact Information
If you have an assistant, please provide their contact information below

Please include area code, and extension if appropriate.

Experience and Skills

Language Fluency

Years of Educational Experience

School Experience

Professional Experience

Curricular Experience

Affiliate Experience

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