Mission Statement: Through philanthropy, the California Academy of Family Physicians Foundation nurtures each generation of family physicians to ensure the future of family medicine and to celebrate the joy of our specialty.
To help guide this mission, the CAFP Foundation is accepting nominations for candidates interested in serving on the Board of Trustees. Candidates must possess leadership skills, a dedication to the specialty of family medicine, and the desire to provide their time, expertise and financial support to the best of their ability. It is also important that the family physicians, community members and corporate representatives who serve as Trustees embody the rich diversity of the specialty and the patients served. This diversity includes geography, gender, sexual orientation, experience, race/ethnicity and practice/work setting.
Please use this form to nominate an individual to the Board. Self-nomination is also welcome. All submissions will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee. If the member meets the qualifications for Board representation, that person will be presented for election. The deadline for submission is November 30, 2024. The election takes place in December 2024.