The Passport to Careers program can provide you with a scholarship toward a college education or apprenticeship, as well as support services to help you meet you education and career goals.

You are eligible for Passport financial assistance and other support services if you experienced:
  • Foster care at any point between the ages of 13 and 21.
  • Unaccompanied homelessness during the prior academic year.
You must meet the following requirements to participate in Passport program:
  • Be a resident of Washington State*
  • Enroll at least half-time in an eligible institution of higher education, or a recognized pre-apprenticeship or registered apprenticeship program in Washington State, before turning age 22.
  • Not yet have earned a Bachelor's degree.
  • Not pursue a degree in theology.
*If you are in ICPC and not a Washington resident, contact WSAC.

Please enter the name here who is filling out this form. If we have trouble contacting the student or have follow-up questions we will use this information

For example: parent: counselor, service provider

If you have any questions, please contact ANEW Passport program.

We are here to help: passport@anewcareer.org