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Ramp University Application

Thank you for choosing to begin your 2025-2026 first year application to Ramp University! We realize that this is a major step for you, and we are excited for all that is ahead. 

Components of Application:

  • Completed Application. All questions on the application form must be completed. If a question does not apply, please write N/A (not applicable). This also includes all audition requirements for Ramp School of Worship.
  • Photograph. Upload a recent photo of yourself (no group photos). Photo should be a head shot that displays your face in it’s entirety.
  • Recommendations. **On Campus only** Two recommendation forms must be submitted on your behalf: one from a pastor, and one from someone who knows you well and can speak on your behalf regarding character, gifts, and calling. Married or engaged applicants must also have a spousal recommendation submitted on their behalf. An email will automatically be sent to the person you have chosen to complete your recommendation. Please follow up with these individuals to ensure they have completed the online form.
    • Pastoral recommendation - Must be completed by the senior pastor, youth pastor, or other staff pastor from the local church you regularly attend that is at least 25 years of age. In the event that your pastor is a relative, then an elder, deacon, or other church officer may act as your pastoral reference.
    • Personal recommendation - Must be completed by a mature Christian adult that is at least 25 years of age, has known the applicant for at least two years, and is not a relative.
    • Spousal recommendation - Must be completed by all married or engaged applicants.

  • Application Fee. An application fee of $35 is required to submit your application.

Not at least 17?
This application is ONLY for prospective 1st Year Students who will be at least 17 years old at the start of the school year. If you are 16 or younger, please stay connected with us via our website and social media. If you have any questions, please email us at admissions@theramp.org.

We encourage you to check back next October (when our new application is launched) and apply!
Not at U.S. Citizen?
Currently, our On-Campus experience is only available for U.S. citizens or those with dual citizenship. If you are an international student and would like to participate in our online courses, please apply to Ramp University Online by selecting the Online option below.

If you have any questions, please email us at admissions@theramp.org.
Personal Information

Parent Information
We understand that not everyone's parents/family is involved in the college search process, therefore these are not required fields but are helpful in case we need to send your parent (only one parent needed) information as it gets closer to the beginning of the school year. 

If including parent information, all fields must be filled out below.

Marital Status

Family Information

Finances and Housing



Educational Assistance

Spiritual Life

Personal History

Health Information

Ramp University Schools & Concentrations

While at Ramp University, students are enrolled in one of four schools and focus on one specific concentration. Every student experiences portions of each school while at Ramp University, but certain concentrations require additional information from you for acceptance. Please apply for a School and Concentration below.

Students that are unsure about which School or Concentration to apply for are encouraged to follow the Ramp School of Ministry Leadership route. All First Year Students primarily experience the Core Curriculum during the first two semesters and have the opportunity to learn more about each School in the Fall. Because of the specific skill sets required for Ramp School of Worship, auditions for placement are required. 

- Ramp School of the Arts



Visual Arts


- Ramp School of Ministry Leadership

Pastoral Leadership

Organizational Leadership

Prayer & Ministry Leadership

- Ramp School of Missions

Missional (Local and Regional Missions)

Cross-Cultural (International Missions)

- Ramp School of Worship

Worship Leadership (Vocalist)


Ramp School of Missions

Ramp School of Worship
As a Ramp School of Worship Student, you are asked to declare a primary focus. 
Due to many of our students being both vocalists and instrumentalists, you have the option of declaring a secondary focus as well (this is optional). You will need to audition for both your primary and secondary focus. It is suggested that you focus and audition on your strongest musical gifting. Your primary focus will be the area you will be used in within worship groups and the area you will be primarily trained.

Please declare a primary focus and a secondary (optional) focus from the list below:

Personal Experience:
If any question is not applicable to you, please type "N/A"

Audition Submission
Below is the protocol for the audition process for The Ramp School of Worship. It is a very simple process, but be sure to follow the instructions very carefully. 

Audition Instructions: 

1. Please send us a video performing a song of your choice with your primary focus. If you are declaring a secondary focus, send us a performance of that as well. 

a. Vocalist: You may sing acapella, with a backing track, or you can play an instrument while you sing. 
b. Musicians: You may play to a backing track or play solely by yourself. 
c. Please keep the video under one minute and thirty seconds long. 
d. If you are a musician, playing to a metronome is preferred but not required.

2. Please submit your video via a link. You may use the following apps or sites to deliver your video:

a. Dropbox
b. Youtube
c. Google Drive

**Please ensure that you have the settings for the link to public.**

3. All audition materials are due at the time of submission of your application.

Ramp School of the Arts

Ramp School of Ministry Leadership

Ramp University Online Application

**On Campus Only**
If filling out an application for Ramp University online, please continue to the next page.

Two recommendation forms must be submitted on your behalf: one from a pastor, and one from some one who knows you well and can speak on your behalf regarding character, gifts and calling. Married or engaged applicants must also have a spousal recommendation submitted on their behalf. Enter the email address for your references below. Please follow up with these individuals to ensure they have completed the online form. Please refer to the requirements below:

Pastoral recommendation - Must be completed by the senior pastor, youth pastor, or other staff pastor from the local church you regularly attend. This recommendation must be completed by a non-relative. In the event that your pastor is a relative, then an elder, deacon, or other church officer may act as your pastoral reference.

Personal recommendation - Must be completed by a mature Christian adult that is at least 25 years of age, has known the applicant for at least two years, and is not a relative.

Spousal recommendation - Must be completed by all married or engaged applicants.
Personal Recommendation

Pastoral Recommendation

Spousal Recommendation

Application Fee

Before your application can be submitted and reviewed, we require that you submit a non-refundable $35 application fee.
Payment Information

Application Agreement

I understand that all items obtained by Ramp University in the application process become the permanent property of Ramp University and will not be returned. I understand the information contained on the personal, parental, pastoral, and spousal recommendations are confidential. I waive my right to review this material. I hereby state all the information I have provided in this application is true and correct. I understand that Ramp University reserves the right to revoke admission on the basis of misrepresentations or omissions in the application. Submission of this application in no way guarantees or implies acceptance and/or enrollment as a student of Ramp University. If Ramp University is notified at any time that any information is false or misleading, it will be grounds for my immediate dismissal from the school.

I agree that the school leadership is under no obligation to disclose the basis for my acceptance or denial.

I hereby grant authorization to Ramp University and any related physician to render and/or give emergency medical aid, care or treatment they deem necessary.