External Examiners' Report

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Email: lo@lawsocietynt.asn.au

Web: www.lawsocietynt.asn.au

SCOPE: The procedures to be adopted by the external examiner to complete this report are to be sufficient to enable the external examiner to form an opinion in accordance with the relevant Act and Regulations regulating the maintenance of trust records and the receipting and disbursement of trust money by the law practice.

To complete this report External Examiners need the following documents from the law practice.

1. Annual Declaration Part A  

2. Annual Declaration Part B 

3. Self-Assessed Compliance Checklist

This form is automatically submitted to Law Society NT.

Law Practice Details

* This information can be located on the law practice's Part A or Part B Declaration

Examination Details

This email address will be used on an annual basis to confirm authorised examiners
Annual Declaration and Trust Monies Statement

General Trust Account

Controlled Monies Trust Account/s

Invested Trust Monies

Trust Monies Subject to a power

Transit Trust Monies

Overdrawn ledgers and bank statements

Over drawn account or ledger details

Numbers only

Date to be in the following format 00/00/000

Identifiable breaches and irregularities

Details of Identified Breaches and or Irregularities

If you are not aware of the relevant section please state "unknown"

Attach supporting documentation

Additional information


I the person identified as the external examiner in the Examination Details section and submitting this form, CONFIRM TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT

I acknowledge that the Law Society Northern Territory will rely on the information contained in this External Examiners' Report.  I disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on this External Examiners' Report to any person other than the Law Society Northern Territory, or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared.