Resolution Team Survey

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Thank you for your commitment to Resolution Project! Our volunteers are crucial to the organization's success and we take great pride in the dedication, quality, and passion of our team, who support young leaders in taking action today.

We have created this survey to make sure we have accurate and complete contact records for each of you, as well as to capture your relevant experience and expertise in our database. As we continue to expand the portfolio of services we offer to our global network of Fellows, from time to time we may request your assistance, advice, or feedback on relevant projects and initiatives.

Thank you again for your commitment and participation in our mission. If you have any questions, please email

Basic Personal Information

Please enter the email address at which you received the link to this survey.

Sharing your education history (as applicable) will allow us to connect you with Fellows interested in the programs and universities you attended as they determine their educational plans. 

Skills and Interests
We love it when our volunteers are able to use their skills and expertise to assist Fellows going through relevant challenges. With your thoughtful completion of the following skill sets, areas of interest and projects, we'll be able to make meaningful connections for both you and our Fellows. 

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Press and hold Command (Mac) or Control (PC) to select multiple options.