Barrow Cadbury Trust Full Application form

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Welcome to the Barrow Cadbury Trust application form

Welcome to the Barrow Cadbury Trust application form

We hope you find this form straightforward to complete. If you have any problems with completing it, please contact us on 020 7632 9060 or use the help link in the bottom left hand corner of this page which will take you to our email address (  Before completing this form, you should watch the short animation which tells you about what we try to achieve through our funding, and our programme pages to find out about the type of projects we wish to fund.  You can also ring us for advice or use our brief enquiry form.


This form is divided into several different pages, each asking about a particular aspect of your organisation and project. If you want to see all the questions before you start, you can navigate through the pages using the page number links at the top of the form.  You will see that we have given word limits on some questions.  There is a word counter to the right hand side of those questions, to help you in drafting your application.

You can either type directly into the form or, if you prefer, you can cut and paste from another application such as Word.  You can change the size of the text boxes in the form by dragging the bottom right hand corner.  You are strongly advised to save your form regularly. We suggest, as a minimum, that you save when you complete each page. To save your form, use the hyperlinks at the top and bottom of the form. You will be asked for a password and, once you've saved the form, you will be sent an email with a link to your form and a note of your password.  We do not have access to your password, but if you forget what it is, you can reset it yourself or ask us to send you a new password.  



Many of the fields in the form are compulsory. These are marked with a red asterisk. If you do not complete compulsory fields, you will not be able to submit your application to us.


On the last page of the form, we ask you to upload several documents. These include a project budget.  If you wish, you can use the Barrow Cadbury Trust's <a href="" target="_blank">project budget form</a>, or you may prefer your own format.  We will also need a copy of your constitution (or equivalent), and your most recent set of accounts.  You may want to check the documents we need by looking at the last page of the form before you start.

We know fundraising is expensive and time consuming so want to minimise the work required.  If you have already applied for the same project to another funder and are seeking match funding from us, you are welcome to send us your application to that funder. You can upload it as an additional document at the end of our form. You will also need to complete our form but if you feel the response is fully covered in a different document you supply, please write ‘see document attached’.   If it is not covered, or not fully covered, please provide the information we ask for as we will need it to assess your application.  For example we need to know how your project will address gender and race inequality, something which other funders may not ask.

Once you have completed the form and uploaded your documents, click on the "Submit" button. Your complete form will appear on the screen for you to review. Once you are happy with it, click the "Confirm" button.  You will receive an email acknowledgement with a copy of your form once you have successfully submitted it.    


It may take up to four months for us to assess your application. Please bear this in mind when planning your start date. We will be in touch during this time either to discuss your application with you or, if it is not eligible for funding, to explain why.


At Barrow Cadbury Trust, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. You can see the full text of our privacy policy on our website here.


As part of this application form, we collect information about you to enable us to contact you.  We may use your information to:

· Contact you regarding your grant application and, if successful, any subsequent grant;

· Contact you regarding matters that are relevant to the Trust’s and your organisation’s mission;

· Send you communications which you have requested;

· Seek your views or comments on the services we provide;

· Notify you of changes to our services.


We will not sell or rent your information to third parties. Once grants have ended, information will be stored for historical and research purposes.  Electronic information is stored on our database and paper copies are transferred to and managed by Archives and Collections at The Library of Birmingham.  Full details of research access to archived materials can be found in our privacy policy here.


By submitting this application form, you agree to us using your personal information in this way. 

Page 2 - You and your organisation

Your contact details

This must be the legal name of your organisation (the name that is on your governing document)

For example this might be an operating name or set of initials

Please tell us what role you have in the organisation (your job title or Board position).

About your organisation

Your Companies House number must be 8 digits long. If it less than 8 digits, add zeros at the beginning to make it up to an 8 digit string. For example: xxxxxx becomes 00xxxxxx.

If you are applying on behalf of a public body, assume that we know what it does, and tell us about the relevant work of your department. For all other types of organisation, tell us briefly about your organisation's aims, structure, and current activities, including the work it has done that is relevant to this application.
Your organisation's senior contacts

This must be a different person from the person filling in the form named above. If you are the Chair of the organisation and the main contact for this application, please give the details of a second office holder such as Treasurer or Secretary.

Page 3 - Diversity, equity and inclusion

Your organisation's approach to DEI

About your Board 

DEI in your work

Page 4 - About your project

NB: If you have discussed a core grant with us, you should answer these questions from the perspective of the whole organisation. 
Your project details

Please give your project a name of no more than 55 characters

It may take us up to four months to assess your project (usually less for smaller applications). Please bear this in mind when setting a start date, and be realistic about what you can achieve.

Working towards a more just and equal society is at the heart of the Barrow Cadbury Trust's approach. We have a particular focus on gender and race inequality, and expect the organisations that we fund to build an equalities perspective into their work. 

Page 5 - Management and evaluation

NB: If you have discussed a core grant with us, you should answer these questions from the perspective of the whole organisation. 
Project management

The purpose of this question is to ensure that we have a clear picture of the timeline for your project, for monitoring purposes. The level of detail we require here will depend on the type and complexity of the project. If it is small and straightforward (for example a grant for an event) just give us key dates. If it is more complex, provide more detail. If you are undertaking a research/policy project we require key milestones to understand the different phases of the work. You can upload your milestones as a separate document later if this is easier. If you do that, please type "see attached document" in this field. You will be able to upload your project plan on the last page of the form.

Explain how you will monitor progress and what you will do if your project does not proceed according to plan. Tell us about how you will report progress within your organisation, for example through reports to your senior management team or Board.

Again, we expect answers to this question to be proportionate to the scale and complexity of the project. We want to know that you have thought through the risks you are most likely to encounter. If you feel there are none, or they are very minor, say so and explain why.

Here we are looking for the change you expect/hope your project to lead to. For example you might be looking for your ideas to influence local or national policy, or to demonstrate a new way of addressing a complex problem, or to lead to change for individuals.

We expect all policy and research projects to have a robust dissemination and influencing strategy, which in most cases will continue beyond the life of this grant. Please explain what you plan to do and when you plan to do it. In a later question we ask about evaluation, so there is no need to cover that here.

Page 6 - Budget and finances

Your project budget

If you have a shortfall, tell us how you plan to cover it. Give details of the source (for example another funder, earning income, or part funding the project from your reserves) and whether or not you have already secured it. If you still need to raise additional funds, tell us the timetable for doing this.
Your organisation's finances
In order to assess your organisation's financial health we need some details of how your organisation's financial situation has changed since the end date of your most recent approved accounts:

This should be the date of the most recent set approved by your committee following the end of your financial year.

Safeguarding policy

Page 7 - Additional information

Please attach the following documents (unless otherwise indicated below):

Living Wage

The Trust is an accredited Living Wage Employer and a Living Wage Funder. This means that we have committed to encouraging and supporting those we fund to become Living Wage Employers.  

The Living Wage is set each year by the Living Wage Foundation and is enough to cover the basic cost of living in the UK. Living Wage Employers choose to pay their staff the Living Wage, which is higher than the legal “living wage” set by the Government that all employers have had to pay since April 2016.  The Living Wage is currently £13.15 in London and £12 in the rest of the country. This is equivalent to £23,933 in London and £21,840 in the rest of the UK for a 35 hour week.

Being or working towards becoming a Living Wage Employer is not a condition of our funding and we will consider your application on its merits whether or not your organisation is, or is considering becoming, a Living Wage Employer.  If your organisation is successful in your grant application to us and wishes to find out more, we can signpost you to support with accreditation.  If you are a small organisation, we can help with accreditation fees.

We are collecting statistics on how many of our applicants and grant-holders are accredited Living Wage Employers so that we can track any changes over time.  This information is for our internal purposes only and will not form part of our assessment.  

When you click on "Submit, below, you will see a copy of your form to check.  At the end you'll find a "Confirm" button which will   submit the form to us.