Administrative and Billing Contact (for internal use only)

Clinic/Program Contact Information (Note: This information will be published in the online Resource Directory for public viewing)  

Multiple Location/Campus Listings

If you have additional programs at different physical locations/campuses that you would like listed, please fill out a separate application for each program. (Note: Your Institutional Membership base fee includes one (1) physical location listing with additional fees based on additional locations and the number of states you offer teletherapy; for more information, reach out to 

Types of Services Provided at Program/Clinic

Does your program/clinic accept the following:

Provider Information
Please list all licensed clinicians on staff at your clinic/program that are considered OCD specialists. Providers who hold Professional Memberships will be listed on the clinic listing with a link to their individual referral listing and vice versa. Learn more about the benefits of Professional Membership and how to join.

Additional Clinic Information (For internal review only)

Diversity Information

As part of the IOCDF's commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive OCD community, we are working towards making the various resources in our Resource Directory accessible to all. Institutional Members thus have the opportunity to provide specific information about the racial/ethnic profile of their clinicians, as well as any training or experience they may have around working with diverse populations. Institutional Members can also discuss any organizational policies or procedures their clinic may have in place around cultural competence and inclusion, and the demographic makeup of clients who attend their clinic. Note: Your answers to the following questions will be compiled into a "Diversity Statement" that will appear on your organization's listing.

Administrative and Billing Contact (for internal use only)

Clinic/Program Contact Information (Note: This information will be to be published in the Resource Directory clinic listing for public viewing)  

Multiple Location/Campus Listings

If you have additional programs at different locations/campuses that you would like listed, please fill out a separate application for each program. 

Note: Your Institutional Membership base fee includes one (1) physical location listing with additional fees based on additional locations and the number of states you offer teletherapy; for more information, reach out to 

Does your program/clinic accept the following:

Provider Information
Please list all licensed clinicians on staff at your clinic/program that are considered OCD specialists. Providers who hold Professional Memberships will be listed on the clinic listing with a link to their individual referral listing and vice versa. For more information on the benefits of Professional Membership and how to join, please visit

Diversity Information

As part of the IOCDF's commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive OCD community, we are working towards making the various resources in our Resource Directory accessible to all. Institutional Members thus have the opportunity to provide specific information about the racial/ethnic profile of their clinicians, as well as any training or experience they may have around working with diverse populations. Institutional Members can also discuss any organizational policies or procedures their clinic may have in place around cultural competence and inclusion, and the demographic makeup of clients who attend their clinic. Note: Your answers to the following questions will be compiled into a "Diversity Statement" that will appear on your organization's listing.

Terms & Conditions
Institutional Membership with the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is available to all OCD and related disorders clinics/programs that are eligible based off the requirements listed above. All clinic/programs have at least two independently licensed clinicians on full-time staff; however, no proof of expertise or validation of programming is required. Therefore, Institutional Membership with the IOCDF is not an accreditation or certification of any sort and does not imply a recommendation from the IOCDF. The IOCDF name and logo may be used on Institutional Member websites, emails, or other marketing collateral only when demonstrating membership with the IOCDF and/or sharing IOCDF resources without any additional language and should always link directly to the IOCDF website ( The IOCDF name and logo CANNOT be used to market the services of the member's clinic or practice, or imply endorsement in any way. Violation of these policies will result in suspension or termination of member status.