Contact Us
This form is for those students who have already applied to the USC School of Social Work MSW program. If you are a prospective student, click
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
USC ID (No spaces or dashes)
Reenter USC ID
Application Term
Please select...
Summer 2020
Fall 2020
Fall 2021
Fall 2022
Program Length
Please select...
Advanced Standing (3 semesters)
2 Years (4 semesters)
3 Years (6 semesters)
4 Years (8 semesters)
Nature of question or concern
Please select...
Missing Transcripts
Missing Letters of Recommendations
Application Fee Waivers
Rejected Statement of Purpose
Missing TOEFEL/IELT Scores
Application Deadlines
Tell me about the program
I want to schedule an appointment
Is my application complete?
When can I register for my classes?
I want I update my contact information
When can I apply for scholarships?
When will I find out about financial aid?
I want to learn more about stipends & work-study
Application Assistance
What are the application requirements?
Issues creating USC email account
When do I find out about orientation?
Can I submit other documents with my application?
Can I apply for a dual degree?
Who is my advisor?
Is it too late to apply? It is past the deadline.
I have an ADM20/RNR40 hold.
What are my housing options?
Please describe in 200 words or less the specifics of your question or concern. Please be as specific and candid as possible.
5000 characters left.