Professional Beauty 2017


6&7 February 2017 - Meydan - Dubai

Please note Professional Beauty is strictly a trade exhibition.

To qualify to attend you MUST work in the industry. Please complete all details to register to attend.
About You
(Inc full country code eg +971 (0)50 287 1300)
(Inc full country code eg +971 4 375 7300)
Your Physical Address
Note: Please tell us about a landmark you are above or near so we can find you easier if we need to send you anything.
Your Postal Address
About the business you work for

Dubai Department of Tourism

Regulatory changes mean the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) must supply all tickets to events in Dubai. To secure your pass to our event you must allow us to provide your name, email, mobile number, country of residence, nationality and date of birth to DTCM on your behalf. The government body states it will not disclose the data to any third parties unless required to do so by law.

Date of Birth:
Last questions...

Professional Beauty is strictly a trade only event. In order to help us make sure you qualify to attend please provide us with your Linkedin profile page below.

You can find your Linkedin URL by going to thr contact section of your profile - for example:

By pressing 'Submit' you are registering to receive a FREE ticket to Professional Beauty 2017. We will contact you nearer the time with details but in the meantime do keep coming back to for updates and industry news.

Please note - Professional Beauty is strictly a trade exhibition and absolutely no children under the age of 16 are allowed into the show.