Application for Emergency Funds - College Years


·   The Scholar Emergency Fund provides critical and timely financial assistance to High School and College Scholars experiencing a crisis or transition.

·   Funds should be used solely for the purposes of continuing education – tuition, books, housing, transportation, school fees, and other expenditures.

·   The emergency fund it to be used as a last resort when other efforts such as self-funding and family funding have not succeeded in meeting financial needs, and the student's ongoing educational process is threatened or limited. 

·   All elements of the application MUST be filled out for consideration.

Note: Demonstration of financial literacy is a significant component of this application. 

Permanent Home Address and Contact Information

College Contact Information 

Your Mailing Address at College (include all that apply: Name of Residence Hall, Room #, PO Box, Apt. #, etc.)

List the amount you spend each month for the following:

Part 4 - Academic Standing
Academic performance greatly impacts college finances, Scholarships and grants are often tied to GPA.

When do you expect to graduate?