The Nachshon Project Application

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The Nachshon Project
This application is for Cohort 11 of The Nachshon Project for the Spring 2025 semester. Applications are due October 15, 2024*. 
(*Please note that while applications are already open, acceptance is not rolling). 

Please note that you can click the check box at the top right of the screen to save your work for later and return to your application at a later time. Once you submit, you cannot make any changes to the application.

If you have any questions about this application please email
Personal Information

Contact Information

University Experience

Camp Experience

Trips to Israel

Jewish Education


The following short essays will enable The Nachshon Project to get insight into who you are and your plans for the future. 

Applicants must answer each question. Please limit each essay to 250 words or less. 


The Nachshon Project requires two references.

  1. A character reference. A character reference is from someone who can speak of you as a person and describe your character and values from a professional perspective. It would therefore be appropriate to ask for a reference from a professional, such as a rabbi or cantor, a Hillel director, or a mentor.
    Please do not submit a reference from a family member or friend.

  2. A recommendation from a Jewish professional, as detailed below.
           -   If you worked in a camp this past summer, you are required to submit a recommendation from your CAMP DIRECTOR.
           -   If you did not work in a camp this past summer, you are required to submit a
Once you click "ok to contact" and save or submit this application, your references will automatically be emailed a link to the recommendation form. It is always a good idea to speak with the person whom you are asking for a recommendation prior to filling in his/her information. You should inform the references about The Nachshon Project, your own goals for the future, and anything else that might be pertinent to their writing a references on your behalf.

Character Reference
Please fill in the information about the person who will serve as your character reference:

Jewish Professional Reference
Please fill in the information about the person who will serve as your Jewish professional reference:

Please note, it is your responsibility to make sure that the letters of recommendation have been submitted in time, by the October 15th deadline. 

Terms and Conditions
The Nachshon Project is open to college juniors who exhibit leadership qualities  through work in Jewish campus organizations or in Jewish summer camp programs, who are open to exploring careers in Jewish communal service.

Accepted applicants are encouraged to work in a Jewish summer camp for the summer and/or take on a leadership position at a Jewish campus organization following the semester with The Nachshon Project.