Are you system-impacted? The PGP defines system-impacted as a person who by their own experience, family experience, school experiences, and/or communal experiences has previous interaction or involvement with and who is legally, economically, familially, or psychologically affected by the criminal legal system. The criminal legal system includes arrest and/or detainment, appearance in criminal courts, incarceration, immigrant detention, juvenile detention, parole, and/or probation.
Examples include but are not limited to:
I have been detained by law enforcement.
I have been arrested by law enforcement.
I have been convicted without incarceration.
I have been incarcerated.
I have a family member who is currently incarcerated.
I have a family member who was formerly incarcerated.
The PGP is collecting this information to assure that our program and staff remain sensitive to volunteers with lived experiences connected to the criminal legal system. This information will help us better understand how to accommodate the needs of all volunteers, regardless of experience, and it will allow the PGP to be particularly aware of the issues faced by system-impacted volunteers.