Scotty's Super Grant

IMPORTANT! Please note, all Super Grants for 2024 have been allocated.  Please contact the families team to discuss ideas for 2025. 
Database Fields
The Super Grant

Scotty’s Super grant is available to all Scotty Members (0-18) and Springboarders (18-25).  There are no age restrictions, but it can only be used once.  


It is a one-off payment of £1,000 and must be used to cover or contribute towards a significant once in a lifetime opportunity.  By a ‘significant once in a lifetime’ opportunity we mean something they will never get to do again, a life changing experience.  For example, one Super grant we have recently approved is to going towards the cost of an 8-week trip to Indonesia.   The Scotty Member will be supporting the deforestation movement and rescuing orangutans.  They have agreed to keep a diary and video documentation throughout their trip and will then present this to Scotty’s Team upon their return. 


When applying for Scotty’s Super Grant, you need to be able to provide an in-depth description of what the Member or Springboarder would gain from the experience, both personally and emotionally. Explain why this would be life changing and why is it something they would never have the opportunity to do again.  


The Member or Springboarder is then expected to present their application to the Scotty Team.  The team will want to know what life skills they are hoping to gain from the experience, as well as how it will benefit them in the future. They will also ask how they will measure their progress, and when they return the team will want them to demonstrate what they have learnt. 


It’s a great grant but one that needs a lot of thought taken before applying.  It’s key to remember our Members and Springboarders can only use this once.  If they use it at the age of 10, they won’t ever be able to apply for it again.   

This is a one –off special grant of £1,000.00 and can only be awarded once and in one go. (i.e. two separate grants of £500 could not be applied for).  

Member Details

Super Grant Details
Please use the space below to tell us as much a possible about your once in a lifetime experience.
Please explain:
- How the money from this grant would be used if successful. 
- What are you hoping to achieve from this experience?
- What is the total cost of this experience? 
- If the total exceeds £1000 how are you going to raise the outstanding amount?

Payee Details
Successful applications will require payments to be made directly to the organisation providing the service/experience.

Payment Details

Max £150



Your feedback is essential for us. It not only helps us in shaping the services we provide but it gives vital and essential evidence to our funders. This means we can keep applying for funding to make sure our grants can be offered to ALL of our Members and Springboarders. 

We love hearing all the stories of how our grants have helped our Members and Springboarders. 


Moving forward feedback will now be a compulsory term and condition when applying for a grant. We are hoping to make this process simple. We also understand that some activities are termly or may not be happening for a few weeks/months. We are working towards a system where this will be automated and sent out a period of time after the grant has taken place. 

Whilst this is being set up this will be a manual survey sent out by the team. 


This must be completed before the end of the year. 
Everyone who completes the questionnaire will be able to apply for future grants. 

Terms and Conditions
Applications will be considered by the Scotty Team. 
This grant can only be awarded once and in one go.
Members and Springboarders will be notified via email whether their application has been successful or not.
Only one application can be made per Scotty Member and grants will not exceed £1,000.
Successful applications will require payments to be made directly to the organisation providing the service/experience.