Volunteer Shift Change Form - Melbourne

This form is for Melbourne volunteers to fill in if you are unable to make your regular shift, and, if possible, advise of a suitable date and time for a make-up shift.

Make-ups are NOT requested for volunteers at the Abbotsford or Moorabbin gardens.
Confirm Melbourne Volunteer

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Your Details

First letter must be a capital, followed by lower case: e.g. Elizabeth

First letter must be a capital, then lower case

Shift to Cancel
Please enter the date of the shift you can't attend. If you are going to be away for more than one shift, please enter the date of the first shift here and provide the rest of the details in the "Additional Notes" section below.

Make-up Shift Requested
Please nominate the date of your make-up shift here. You will be emailed to confirm whether or not the make-up shift is available. If you need to nominate more than one make-up shift, please provide the details in the “Additional Notes” section below.

Make-ups are NOT requested for volunteers at the Abbotsford or Moorabbin gardens.

Please select the timeslot of your nominated make-up shift
Additional Notes