


中環: 匯豐香港總行 - 香港中環皇后大道中1號地庫

尖沙咀: 匯豐尖沙咀分行 - 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道8284號地庫及1

沙田: 匯豐沙田分行 - 沙田中心商場第330D號舖





On Saturday, 24th February 2018, we will have our territory wide Flag Day and we would love to have you join us on the streets of Hong Kong in solidarity with our vision of every child in a loving family. Funds raised will be used to support children without families and pregnant teenagers in crisis.


Online registration is currently closed. However, you can still join us at Flag Day! Register in person, 8am on Saturday 24 February, at one of the following stations:


Central: HSBC Hong Kong Office, Cash HKH - BL1, 1 Queen's Road Central, Central                       

Tsim Sha Tsui: HSBC Tsim Sha Tsui Branch - 82-84 Nathan Road                                        

Sha Tin: HSBC Sha Tin Branch - Shop No. 30D, Level 3, Sha Tin Centre Shopping Arcade, Sha Tin


Mother's Choice has been changing the life stories of vulnerable babies and young girls in our city for 30 years. We believe it takes a village to raise a child, and we thank you for being our village by making a gift (financial or time) to Mother's Choice. Come join hands with us as we give hope and change life stories!