MLA Benefit for the Humanities
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Please complete this form to reserve your place at the benefit or to make a donation to the MLA’s Paving the Way campaign.
MLA Benefit for the Humanities
Please select one
I will attend the MLA's
Benefit for the Humanities
I can’t attend but wish to make a donation to the MLA’s Paving the Way campaign.
I can’t attend but wish to sponsor the attendance of a member of the Committee on Contingent Labor in the Profession (CLIP) or the Committee on the Status of Graduate Students in the Humanities (CSGSH).
First name
Last name
I would like to register an additional attendee for the benefit.
Please enter the number of additional guests you would like to register.
Please select...
Please select your donation amount.
The minimum gift required to reserve a place at this event is $200 per person.
Please enter your donation amount: $
Please enter your donation amount: $
Please enter your donation amount: $
Please enter your donation amount: $
Additional attendee information
Please enter the name and e-mail of additional attendees below.
First name
Last name
Attendee e-mail
First name
Last name
Attendee e-mail
Donor information
All donors who contribute $200 or more will be honored in the benefit program and on the MLA Web site.
I would like my name to be omitted from donor lists.
If you would like your name to appear differently on these materials than you entered it above, please enter it here.
I would like to make a donation in honor of a specific individual.
Enter the full name of the individual you would like to honor. Please check your spelling carefully.
required field
Contact us: For more information about the MLA Benefit for the Humanities or the Paving the Way campaign, please contact us at
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Payment Information
Pay by credit card
Pay with PayPal
Pay by check
Card number
Billing Address
First name on card
Last name on card
Postal Code
Pay By Check
Please make checks out to
Modern Language Association
Mail checks to
Modern Language Association
Attn: Office of Outreach
85 Broad Street, suite 500
New York, NY 10004-2434
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