New Directions Tour Guide Volunteer Exam
New Directions for people with disabilities, inc. (New Directions Travel)
5276 Hollister Ave Ste 207 • Santa Barbara, CA 93111 • 805-967-2841
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Please select the best answer. After completing the exam, please hit the submit button and it will be sent to New Directions.
1. What is the mission of New Directions?
A) Enhance self-esteem
B) Open new worlds of understanding
C) Education
D) Expand the appreciation and acceptance of people with disabilities as important members of our world.
E) All of the above
2. How many years has New Directions been operating?
A) 5 years
B) 30+ years
C) 15 years
3. What is a Tour Guide’s most important responsibility?
A) Giving the travelers one of the best times they’ve ever had
B) Making sure medications are taken correctly
C) Safety of each of your travelers
D) Making sure you find time to do your own personal shopping
4. What are the required certifications or training for tour guides before they go on a tour?
A) Current CPR certification
B) Current First Aid certification/training
Current medication training or commensurate experience
View the New Directions Medication Video
Pass the New Directions online exams
Pass Live Scan Background Check
G) All of the above
Ultimately, what is the most important thing that determines the success of a tour?
A) Organizational skills
B) Tour Guide’s attitude
C) The destination
D) Quality of the hotel
6. What do you do if you are having a problem during your tour?
A) Call home and complain to your mother
B) Ask the tour leader for help
C) Bring it up in the nightly tour guide meeting
D) Quit
E) Both B and C
7. What is the dress code for tour guides?
A) Comfortable and casual
B) Casual yet professional
C) Comfortable and dressy
D) Uniforms provided by New Directions
8. How do you let the Program Director know which tours you are available for?
A) Just show up the first day of the tour
B) Send an email to Danna Mead, the Program Director as soon as you know you are available, the earlier the better.
C) Send a note by carrier pigeon
9. When is it okay for a tour guide to drink alcohol during the tour?
A) After travelers are safely in bed at night
B) When you get stressed out
C) Whenever travelers are having a drink
D) Never
E) When you are in the hotel bar
10. When is it necessary to attend the late night tour guide meeting?
A) When you have something important to say
B) Only when you are not too tired
C) During the full moon
D) Every night of the tour
11. What must be brought to the nightly tour guide meeting?
A) Cookies and milk
B) Your tour guide notebook
C) All your travelers’ medications
D) Money and receipts from the day
E) Ear plugs
F) B, C and D
12. When must the COMPLETE 3-step medication procedure be followed
(that is outlined in the Tour Guide Volunteer Manual?)
A) The first time you assist with medications
B) Until you feel very confident with who gets what
C) Only if it does not interrupt your tour activity or plans
D) When the traveler reminds you
E) Each and every time you give medications
13. There are very specific regulations regarding taking travelers in the water. What is the very first step, each and every time?
A) Make sure travelers have their swimsuits on
B) You have your rubber ducky
C) Check with your tour leader
D) Wait 30 minutes after eating
14. It is not necessary to put sunscreen on your travelers on cloudy or overcast days.
A) True
B) False
15. When on a shuttle, bus or train, who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the wheel chair is properly secured?
A) The driver
B) The traveler
C) An experienced passenger
D) You
16. On the first day of the tour, the most important thing to do when your travelers first get in to their hotel room is
A) Put away their clothes
B) Show them how to work the faucets
C) Be sure there are snacks in the mini bar
D) The Hotel Safety Checklist
17. If the traveler is pretty independent, you do not have to help them pack their suitcase to go home.
A) True
B) False
18. During a tour your travelers must take a bath or shower
A) When they want to
B) According to their schedule at home
C) Every other day
D) Every day of the tour
19. Which of your travelers will be most likely to pretend to shower when in fact they have not?
A) Those with severe intellectual impairments
B) Those with physical disabilities
C) Hearing and sight impaired
D) The most independent travelers
20. What must be written or circled on every receipt obtained during your tour?
A) A smiley face
B) The date
C) The total amount
D) What was purchased category
E) Your initials
F) B, C, D, and E
21. When using their own personal spending money for souvenirs during the tour, why do travelers have to take home a receipt for EVERY purchase?
A) Because they forget what they purchase
B) Because care providers don’t trust us
C) To meet Regional Center and care home regulations
22. You do not have to turn in a receipt when vendors do not provide one or when purchasing from vending machines
A) True
B) False
23. In addition to the receipts that the travelers take home with them, why do you have to write down on a separate sheet everything that each traveler buys and then turn this sheet in to the New Directions office?
A) Because parents and care providers often call after the tour asking what the traveler purchased with their spending money
B) Because we love paperwork
C) Because you love paperwork
D) We want you to do meaningless work
24. What is one of the most common post-tour complaints New Directions receives from families and care providers?
A) Not having fun
B) Not eating enough
C) Travelers getting sick
D) Hygiene of traveler was not satisfactory upon their return home
25. When “checking in” a traveler on the first day of the tour, the most important thing is
A) Greet the care provider
B) Follow the written “Tour Check in Procedures” in your manual
C) Check medications
D) Offer coffee to your traveler
26. For safety, it is best to keep your travelers’ I.D. cards in their name badge.
A) True
B) False
27. At the airport, when meeting a traveler who is flying in from another airport, it is best to meet
A) At baggage claim
B) Outside of baggage claim
C) In the nearest restaurant
D) Where your logistics tell you to
28. At the airport, when meeting a traveler who is flying in from another airport, what is the most important thing to check before you leave with this traveler?
A) That they have eaten and used the restroom
B) That they made friends on the flight
C) That you have the traveler’s back pack with medications inside.
29. Before meeting travelers and/or care providers at airports
A) Brush your hair
B) Take breath mints
C) Have a drink
D) Read specific instructions in the tour manual and your logistics
30. How do you check to be sure your travelers have been putting on clean clothes and underwear everyday?
A) Ask if you can smell their bodies
B) Count how many undies are in their laundry bag (1 for each day of the tour!)
C) Ask the traveler and make them pinkie swear
31. Your travelers must pay for their snacks from their own spending money.
A) True
B) False
32. Travelers are responsible for taking their own photos.
A) True
B) False
33. Why must tour guides take photos of their travelers during the tours?
A) Because tour guides love taking photos
B) New Directions has stock in Kodak
C) It gives tour guides something to do during tours
D) This is usually the only way that travelers can share with others what they did while on tour
E) All of the above
34. How many good photos of EACH of your travelers must you take to ensure that they have a full memory of their tour to share with others?
A) At least 15 per tour, more for longer tours.
B) 200
C) 30
D) 5
35. What problems does New Directions typically see with the photos taken by tour guides?
A) They are upside down
B) Too many taken
C) Not enough good photos taken of each traveler
D) Clarity, they are blurry or poor quality
E) Not enough variety (i.e. all taken on the same day, in same clothing)
F) Not showing background or what traveler is doing
G) C, D, E, and F
36. Because it is more efficient, it is okay to leave each traveler’s medications in their room during the tour.
A) True
B) False
37. When you are checking in a traveler on the first day of the tour, you will most likely find all of the traveler’s medications in their own back pack.
A) True
B) False
38. When packing a traveler to go home, medications and their spending money/receipts are packed in their suitcase.
A) True
B) False
39. During the tour, where will you find each traveler’s MASTER medication sheet?
A) In the tour guide's notebook
B) With the traveler's profile
C) In the trash
D) With the traveler’s medication
40. For diabetic travelers, a special diet must be followed
A) When the traveler takes insulin
B) When the diabetes is medication controlled
C) When the diabetes is controlled by diet
D) When the traveler’s diabetes is severe or “brittle.”
E) All of the above
41. Simply limiting sweets is all you need to do for “diet controlled” diabetics
A) True
B) False
42. When needing to call the traveler’s contact person regarding the traveler getting to or from the tour’s departure & pick up points, you should first:
A) Look on the traveler’s registration form
B) Look on the traveler’s profile
C) Ask the traveler who to call
D) Look on the Transportation & Driver form
E) All of the above
43. Your Travel Day Groups and your Core Group are the same thing
A) True
B) False
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