Please fill out the form below.
Basic Information
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Date of Birth
GW Email
100 characters left.
Current Address
Current Street Address
Current Street Address 2
Current City
Current State
Current Zip
Current Phone
Address Current Until
Application Questions
Select desired joint degree.
Please select...
Select desired degree.
Please select...
Graduate Certificate
Master of Public Health
Select desired program.
Please select...
Public Health
Generalist MPH@GW
Confirm your start
with the School of Public Health.
Please select...
Summer (standard for MPH)
Fall (September start)
Spring I (January start)
Spring II (April start)
Confirm your start
with the School of Public Health.
Please select...
What year are you in medical school?
Please select...
Are you a Regional Medical Campus (RMC-Baltimore) student?
Please select...
Do you have any MD Program requirements that will need to be completed after 5/1 (e.g. Step, Shelf exams, Clerkships, etc.)?
Please select...
No - I have completed all of my MD requirements for graduation
If yes, please describe the requirements and provide any information on the scheduling for each (including the number of weeks for any Clerkships)
1500 characters left.
Please list your Advising Dean:
Have you consulted your Advising Dean about plans to pursue the MD/MPH?
Please select...
No - I have a meeting scheduled
Do you have any grade that is less than passing (e.g., Conditional, Fail) that has NOT yet been remediated?
Please select...
*No student with less than a Passing Grade (
Conditional, Fail) that has not been remediated is eligible to apply for the MD/Certificate or the MD/MPH. MS1s and MS2s may re-apply for the MD/MPH as an MS3
Statement of Purpose (500 words maximum)
1500 words remaining
Please describe your interest in pursuing the joint degree program. For example, how will a MPH or Certificate in Public Health advance your overall learning objectives and career goals.
By submitting this joint degree application, I agree to the release of my original AMCAS application
to be shared and reviewed by both the Milken Institute School of Medicine & Health Sciences.
2 characters left.
Please enter the initials for your First and Last name.
Contact Information