Emergency Response Training - Volunteers

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Donor Network West (DN West / DNW) performs life-saving functions and will strive to maintain business operations under all circumstances. At the same time, the safety of our employees, volunteers and individuals providing services is of paramount importance.

Although it is impossible to anticipate every situation that impacts the organization's ability to maintain day-to-day business operations, this document aims to provide guidelines and basic principles to be followed in all types of emergency situations. DNW will set up an Incident Command Center as appropriate to coordinate emergency activities and provide contact information.

We are adding your emergency contact information to your volunteer file. Please keep your phone numbers and email address as well as your emergency contact information up to date. Training will be required annually.

This training will cover the following situations:

  • Personal Safety Emergency Procedures
  • If on duty at a

o    non DN West facility

o    DN West facility

  • If not on duty
Contact number: 925-480-3570

Personal Safety EPRP
If on duty for DNW at a non DNW facility:
  • Follow local venue guidelines for response to emergency (evacuation/shelter in place). Basic Safety procedures are shown above.
  • Get to a safe place.
  • Follow local Emergency Responder guidance.
  • As soon as able or safe, contact Donor Network West at 925-480-3570 to report your status and location.
  • We will give you direction as to next steps.
  • DN West Communication plan goes into effect depending on the incident.

§  Verify status using Send Work Now (SWN) or text.

§  Messages/Updates will be sent through Send Word Now (SWN) or text

§  Contact number for volunteers: 925-480-3570 Emergency Line

§  DN West will contact volunteer emergency contacts if necessary.

§  Watch for notification of resumption of business.

If on duty at a DNW facility:
  • Evacuation guidelines - Basic Safety procedures shown above.
  • §  Follow directions of DN West Floor Wardens/Staff.

    §  Shelter in place as needed. (We do have emergency provisions.)

  • Check in with Floor Warden.
  • Next steps announced by Floor Warden.
  • As soon as able or safe, contact Donor Network West at 925-480-3570 to report your status and location.
  • DN West Communication plan goes into effect.

§  Donor Network West will be using Send Work Now (SWN) which is an electronic notification system to give updates as necessary.

§  Donor Network West will contact emergency contacts if necessary.

§  Contact number: 925-480-3570 Emergency Line

§  Watch for notification of resumption of business.

What to do if not on duty:
  • If you are in an affected area:

§  Take care of yourself and family.

§  Check in with Donor Network West at 925-480-3570 when you are able to do so.

§  Do not go to any scheduled events until you confirm the event with your Community Development Liaison.

  • If you are not in an affected area and have an event coming up, check with your Community Development Liaison to see if the event is still happening.
  • Do not go to a DN West facility.
  • Watch for communication in regard to resumption of business via email, web and text.

Please enter the email you used to sign up as a volunteer. Or contact the Volunteer Program at communications@dnwest.org

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