New Affiliate Application


Before submitting this application and application fee, you must speak with a KTB Program Staff member. They can be reached at 

Steps to Becoming a KTB Affiliate:
Please see full affiliate criteria here.

Complete and submit (this) KTB Prospective Affiliate Form and watch our Intro to KTB training, offered online. Staff will review your form and set up a time to discuss your interest. 

2. PROVISIONAL AFFILIATE: Complete and submit the online affiliate application and $200 application fee. Once all materials have been received by staff, you will move into Provisional Affiliate status and receive online access to our Affiliate-only training resources. Provisional Affiliates are required to complete the Provisional Checklist and will become an Official KTB Affiliate upon completion.

Review the KTB Affiliate Handbook to help you:
  1. Determine organizational structure and board membership.
  2. Prepare mission statement.
  3. Prepare bylaws, organization guidelines, ordinance, and/or resolution for the organization.
  4. Get the facts about your community.
  5. Develop a one-year strategic plan, including the project(s) you would like to accomplish in the first year.
  6. Establish a budget; this may be in-kind.
  7. Develop lists of community/volunteer organizations and media, including any locations that will assist you in accomplishing your intended projects.
3. OFFICIAL AFFILIATE: After submission of all necessary documents, to be reviewed and approved by KTB staff, you will move into Official Affiliate status. A KTB Affiliate sign will be mailed and you will be recognized on the KTB website.
Community Information:

Primary Contact Information:

Alternate Contact Information:

By submitting this application, you acknowledge the affiliation process and understand what is required of a KTB affiliate. Please contact the Programs team with questions at