Employment Form

Personal Details
All personal information supplied to Austructure will be kept secure and will not be shared.
If NO please provide VISA details
Emergency Contact Details
Referees (must be supervisor)
Bank Details
Please note that the pay week is Mon-Sun and pays are processed a Tuesday with most funds available the following day depending of which bank you use.
Medical History 
Austructure is committed to ensuring the highest degree of health and safety for its employees. We are committed in ensuring that we have employed the right people for the right job, to minimise the risk of injury to you and your fellow workmates.

A prospective employer MUST, where requested in writing by a prospective employer, disclose all pre-existing injuries or medical conditions of which they are aware, that could reasonably expect to be aggravated by performing employment related duties.
Please check YES or No to the questions  and provide any detailed information in the space provided below.
Please read our employment agreement HERE