Please Note : If the Applicant is a Proprietary Company, then completion of the Personal Guarantee on Page 4 is an essential prerequisite for consideration to be given to the granting of credit facilities to the Applicant.
The information provided hereunder is supplied to Austructure Pty Ltd for the purpose of obtaining a credit facility with Austructure Services. 
SECTION A. - All Applicants to complete

TRADE REFERENCES (4 to be supplied)
Please supply correct phone numbers, fax numbers and addresses :
Reference 1

Reference 2

Reference 3

Reference 4


SECTION B. - Complete if Applicant is a Company:

SECTION C. - Complete if Applicant is a Partnership

SECTION D. - Complete if Applicant is a Sole Trader

Austructure Services may give information about you to a credit reporting agency, but only limited kinds of information allowed under section 18E(1) of the Privacy Act1988 (Commonwealth). This includes; 
-Identity details- This only includes your name, sex, date of birth, current known address, previous address, your current or last known employer and your drivers licence number.
-The fact that you have applied for credit and the amount. 
-Payments overdue for at least 60 days and for for which collection action has commenced. 
-Advice that payments are no longer overdue.
-Cheques drawn by you which have been dishonoured more than once. 
-In specified circumstances that in the opinion of Austructure Services you have committed a serious credit infringement. 
-That credit provided to you by Austructure Services has been paid or otherwise discharged.

Austructure Services credit terms are:
-Contract work: 14 days from invoice date
-Labour hire: 14 days from invoice date

Failure to adhere to these credit terms will result in a review of this credit facility. Accounts in excess of 60 days automatically have their credit facility cancelled and legal recovery procedures will commence. Any costs incurred with collection of the account will be passed on and Austriucture Services reserves the right to charge interest calculated at 2% per month on all overdue accounts.

I / We understand that the terms of payment to Austructure Services are strictly net 14 days from the date of invoice for labour and strictly net 30 days from the date of invoice for contract work and associated works.

Austructure Services has informed me / us that it may give certain personal information about me / us to a credit reporting agency (Section E(8)© 
In order to assess my application for personal credit, I /we agree toAustructure Services obtaining a report about my / our commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness, from a business which provides such information.  (Section 18L(4) Privacy Act 1988)
In order to assesss my application for commercial credit, I / we agree to Austructure Services obtaining from a credit reporting agency a credit report containing personal credit information about me / us in relation to commercial credit provided by Austructure Services. (Section 18K(1)(b) Privact Act 1988)

I / we hereby apply to establish credit facilities with Austructure Services and agree to abide by the attached terms and conditions. We understand that a credit check will be undertaken as part of this application and that I / We have read and understood the acknowledgement and authority regarding the Privacy Protection of Information.


In consideration of Austructure Services granting such credit as it might from time to time think fit to :

hereby jointly and severally agree with Austructure Services to make payment to Austructure Services of all moneys which may now or hereafter be owing to Austructure Services by the Applicant together with all interest costs charges and expenses which Austructure Services from time to time charge to the account of the Applicant and all charges, expenses and costs (including legal costs) which Austructure Services may incur in endeavouring to obtain payment of all or any part of the monies owing to it by the Applicant and that the monies hereby guaranteed shall remain due and payable by the guarantor/s until Austructure Services have received payment in full  of all monies owed by the Applicant to Austructure Services.