Notification S256 (1)(2) suspected or identified irregularities of trust money



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Section 256(1) of the Legal Profession Act 2006 provides that a legal practitioner associate must give written notice to the Law Society Council as soon as practicable after becoming aware that there is an irregularity in any of the law practice’s trust accounts or trust ledger accounts.

Section 256(2) of the Legal Profession Act 2006 provides that an Australian legal practitioner must give written notice to the Law Society Northern Territory as soon as practicable after forming the belief on reasonable grounds that there is an irregularity in connection with the receipt, recording or disbursement of any trust money received by a law practice of which the practitioner is not a legal practitioner associate.

Law Practice Details

The address you will receive an automated copy of the sumitted notification
Account details

Irregularitiy Details

You will also required to submit supporting documentation

Declarant Details

This form, duly submitted will be accepted as written notification to the Law Society Northern Territory.