Please ensure that you have electronic copies of both your Certificate of Insurance and Banner Proof prior to completing this form.
Non-Profit Organization/Agency:
Registration Number:
Contact Details
First Name
Last Name
Organization/Agency Address:
Please select...
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Postal Code:
About the Banner(s)
Event/Campaign Name:
Estimated Attendance:
For Year:
Additional Information:
Number of Banners:
Banner Length and Width: (
please indicate feet or metres
Banner Material:
Attachment Material:
Scaled banner proof attached
Certificate of insurance attached
Attach Files (
Proof of Insurance and Banner Proof
Terms & Conditions
Bylaw #5590:
A banner will be removed if it does not comply with the guidelines or if the banner exceeds its approved time frame. If the City of Edmonton is required to remove a banner there will be a fine of $250.00 per banner.
I/We, on behalf of our organization accept all conditions as stated above.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP)
This information is being collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and will be used for the administration of transportation programs including the bridge banner program. The information may be disclosed to Financial Services but is protected by the privacy provisions of the FOIP Act. If you have any questions regarding the collection, use and disclosure of this information contact Michaela Pfluemer at 780-508-9352.
Banner Location(s) & Dates
DATES DESIRED: by week, banners put up on Sunday, removed on Saturday 5pm.
Summer (April to September): applications accepted for a two-week time
Winter (October to March): applications accepted for a four-week time frame
Please select...
From (Sunday):
To (Saturday):
1st Preference of Location:
Please select...
WEST BB-01 Yellowhead Trail & 170 Street East side
WEST BB-02 Yellowhead Trail & 156 Street West side
WEST BB-03 Whitemud Drive & 156 Street East side
WEST BB-04 Whitemud Drive & 156 Street West side
WEST BB-05 Whitemud Drive & 159 Street East side
WEST BB-06 Whitemud Drive & 159 Street West side
WEST BB-07 Whitemud Drive & 53 Avenue North side
WEST BB-08 Whitemud Drive & 53 Avenue South side
SOUTH BB-10 Whitemud Drive & 75/66 Street West side
SOUTH BB-11 Whitemud Drive & 91 Street East side
SOUTH BB-12 Whitemud Drive & 106 Street East side
SOUTH BB-13 Whitemud Drive & 106 Street West side
SOUTH BB-14 Whitemud Drive & 111 Street East side
SOUTH BB-15 Whitemud Drive & 111 Street West side
SOUTH BB-16 Whitemud Drive & 119/22 Street West side
SOUTH BB-27 98 Ave NW & Connors Rd/Scona Rd NW Facing southbound traffic
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-20 Groat Rd & 107 Avenue North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-21 Groat Rd & 107 Avenue South side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-22 Groat Rd & Emily Murphy Park North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-23 Groat Rd. & Emily Murphy Park South side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-24 Yellowhead Tr. & St. Albert Tr. West side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-25 Groat Rd. & Stony Plain Rd North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-26 Groat Rd. & Stony Plain Rd South side
EAST BB-30 Sherwood Park Fwy & 50 Street East side
EAST BB-31 Sherwood Park Fwy & 50 Street West side
EAST BB-32 Wayne Gretzky Dr. & 106 Ave South side
EAST BB-33 Wayne Gretzky Dr & 112 Ave North side
EAST BB-34 Wayne Gretzky Dr & 112 Ave South side
EAST BB-35 Wayne Gretzky Dr & Ada Blvd. North side
EAST BB-36 Yellowhead Trail & 50 Street East side
2nd Preference of Location:
Please select...
WEST BB-01 Yellowhead Trail & 170 Street East side
WEST BB-02 Yellowhead Trail & 156 Street West side
WEST BB-03 Whitemud Drive & 156 Street East side
WEST BB-04 Whitemud Drive & 156 Street West side
WEST BB-05 Whitemud Drive & 159 Street East side
WEST BB-06 Whitemud Drive & 159 Street West side
WEST BB-07 Whitemud Drive & 53 Avenue North side
WEST BB-08 Whitemud Drive & 53 Avenue South side
SOUTH BB-10 Whitemud Drive & 75/66 Street West side
SOUTH BB-11 Whitemud Drive & 91 Street East side
SOUTH BB-12 Whitemud Drive & 106 Street East side
SOUTH BB-13 Whitemud Drive & 106 Street West side
SOUTH BB-14 Whitemud Drive & 111 Street East side
SOUTH BB-15 Whitemud Drive & 111 Street West side
SOUTH BB-16 Whitemud Drive & 119/22 Street West side
SOUTH BB-27 98 Ave NW & Connors Rd/Scona Rd NW Facing southbound traffic
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-20 Groat Rd & 107 Avenue North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-21 Groat Rd & 107 Avenue South side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-22 Groat Rd & Emily Murphy Park North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-23 Groat Rd. & Emily Murphy Park South side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-24 Yellowhead Tr. & St. Albert Tr. West side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-25 Groat Rd. & Stony Plain Rd North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-26 Groat Rd. & Stony Plain Rd South side
EAST BB-30 Sherwood Park Fwy & 50 Street East side
EAST BB-31 Sherwood Park Fwy & 50 Street West side
EAST BB-32 Wayne Gretzky Dr. & 106 Ave South side
EAST BB-33 Wayne Gretzky Dr & 112 Ave North side
EAST BB-34 Wayne Gretzky Dr & 112 Ave South side
EAST BB-35 Wayne Gretzky Dr & Ada Blvd. North side
EAST BB-36 Yellowhead Trail & 50 Street East side
3rd Preference of Location:
Please select...
WEST BB-01 Yellowhead Trail & 170 Street East side
WEST BB-02 Yellowhead Trail & 156 Street West side
WEST BB-03 Whitemud Drive & 156 Street East side
WEST BB-04 Whitemud Drive & 156 Street West side
WEST BB-05 Whitemud Drive & 159 Street East side
WEST BB-06 Whitemud Drive & 159 Street West side
WEST BB-07 Whitemud Drive & 53 Avenue North side
WEST BB-08 Whitemud Drive & 53 Avenue South side
SOUTH BB-10 Whitemud Drive & 75/66 Street West side
SOUTH BB-11 Whitemud Drive & 91 Street East side
SOUTH BB-12 Whitemud Drive & 106 Street East side
SOUTH BB-13 Whitemud Drive & 106 Street West side
SOUTH BB-14 Whitemud Drive & 111 Street East side
SOUTH BB-15 Whitemud Drive & 111 Street West side
SOUTH BB-16 Whitemud Drive & 119/22 Street West side
SOUTH BB-27 98 Ave NW & Connors Rd/Scona Rd NW Facing southbound traffic
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-20 Groat Rd & 107 Avenue North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-21 Groat Rd & 107 Avenue South side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-22 Groat Rd & Emily Murphy Park North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-23 Groat Rd. & Emily Murphy Park South side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-24 Yellowhead Tr. & St. Albert Tr. West side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-25 Groat Rd. & Stony Plain Rd North side
NORTH/CENTRAL BB-26 Groat Rd. & Stony Plain Rd South side
EAST BB-30 Sherwood Park Fwy & 50 Street East side
EAST BB-31 Sherwood Park Fwy & 50 Street West side
EAST BB-32 Wayne Gretzky Dr. & 106 Ave South side
EAST BB-33 Wayne Gretzky Dr & 112 Ave North side
EAST BB-34 Wayne Gretzky Dr & 112 Ave South side
EAST BB-35 Wayne Gretzky Dr & Ada Blvd. North side
EAST BB-36 Yellowhead Trail & 50 Street East side
Bridge Banner Program
City of Edmonton