Stay or Go Analysis™️ [2023]


You are taking your first steps to building your path to Medicare.

This Stay or Go Analysis™ will start by analyzing the cost of your current coverage and give you an idea of what you can expect to pay with Medicare. 

You get us the data, and we will do the math together to determine if you should stay with your current group health insurance or go to Medicare.

Before we can do this research, we need a few bits of information from you.

This form will take you about 5-10 minutes to complete.

What you will need to have ready:

  • Summary of Benefits for your current coverage
    • Premium
    • Maximum out-of-pocket
    • Annual deductible
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You get us the data, we'll do the math together


This will make your decision to transition to Medicare easy!

You can continue with the Stay or Go Analysis™ or skip ahead and book your appointment directly with a Certified Medicare PlannerⓇ to go over your specific Medicare options.

Push the number "5" in the top corner to skip ahead to the end.

Tell us more about your Group Insurance Plan (as an individual)





Calculation Checks

Medicare will asses any surcharges based on your Modified Adjusted Gross Income as filed 2 years ago (ex. if it is 2022, charges would apply based on your 2020 tax return)

Medicare will asses any surcharges based on your Modified Adjusted Gross Income as filed 2 years ago (ex. if it is 2022, charges would apply based on your 2020 tax return)
Calculation Checks IRMAA

Stay or Go Summary

The following is a simplified summary showing  the costs associated with your employer plan, should you choose to stay, and your Medicare options, all with a High (you use the plan to its max) and a low (you don't use the plan, you just pay your premiums)
Your Current Health Coverage

You just pay your premiums 

You use your full plan benefit



Medicare Supplement (Plan G) + Prescription Drug Plan

You just pay your premiums (est. Average Plan G)

You use your full plan benefit. (Part B + Plan Premium + Part D + Annual MOOP)
Medicare Supplement Averages


Est. Avg ($99 - $620)

Est. Avg. ($7 - $105)

Estimates based on a Medicare Supplement Plan G. For detailed pricing contact a Certified Medicare Planner® (page 5)
Medicare Advantage with a Prescription Drug Plan

You just pay your premiums (Part B + Plan)

You use your full plan benefit (Avg. Max-out-of-pocket $3,500).


Subject to IRMAA surcharges

Est. Avg ($2,900 - $12,450)
Estimates based on national averages. For detailed pricing contact a Certified Medicare Planner® (page 5)

Let's Get Your Needs Taken Care Of

It looks like its time to meet with a Certified Medicare Planner®! 

Now that you have an idea of what Medicare costs, the next step is to find which plan(s) meet your specific needs. Our 
Certified Medicare Planners® utilize actuarial services to find exactly what you can expect to pay in premiums, and co-pays in your specific area without the bias that comes with traditional agents or agencies.

Certified Medicare planners® are trained and licensed to search EVERY single plan available across the country so you know you are getting the unbiased information you are looking for.

Your Certified Medicare Planner® will also provide custom timeline for how your transition from your current coverage to Medicare. This way you know exactly what you need to do, when you need to do it, and most importantly how.

Next steps:

If your recommendation is: GO

Now that you have an idea of what Medicare costs, the next step is to find which plan(s) meet your specific needs. Our Certified Medicare Planners® utilize actuarial services to find exactly what you can expect to pay in premiums, and co-pays in your specific area without the bias that comes with traditional agents or agencies.

Certified Medicare planners® are trained and licensed to search EVERY single plan available across the country so you know you are getting the unbiased information you are looking for.

Your Certified Medicare Planner® will also provide custom timeline for how your transition from your current coverage to Medicare. This way you know exactly what you need to do, when you need to do it, and most importantly how.


If your recommendation is: STAY

This is great news! We strongly suggest that you go through the rest of the Medicare planning processes with a Certified Medicare Planner® to get specific Medicare pricing for your needs. When you later decide to separate from your employer plan, you have an idea of what your health care costs will be with a Medicare plan. 

When you provide your email, a Certified Medicare Planner® will reach out and ask how they can continue to help you with your Medicare Planning process.

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