Welcome to the Cazadero financial aid application form. Applications are reviewed in batches called "rounds". All applications completed before the deadline will be reviewed in that round. The deadlines are as follows: Round 1 deadline is March 5, 2025, Round 2 is April 9, 2025. The scholarship committee will meet and review applications soon after the deadline and you will receive an email confirming your award amount. If you miss those deadlines contact the office and we will help. If you have any questions write or call: emily@cazadero.org or 510-527-7500
Here are some tips on how to complete this form:
- You can pause and resume, you do not have to complete the entire form in one sitting. Look for the "Save my progress" boxes at the top and bottom of this page.
- Proof of Income: you will need to provide proof of income. This should be a scan or picture format. Most people use the first page of their most recent tax returns. There will be an opportunity to write an explanation if your income has changed.
- Audition: each applicant will need to provide an audition recording. You will find detailed instructions below.
- Music Teacher: please be prepared to provide the name and email address for your camper's music teacher so that we can obtain a recommendation from them.