The Woods Project Junior Leaders Program Application

TWP Alumni on the dock of Basswood Island at Apostle Islands


Sea Kayaking - Leadership Focus - Career Development


Fall Application Due Date: September 10 

Spring Application Due Date: January 10 

*For any student who wishes to apply after the original deadline, contact Manny at!

The Junior Leaders Program is a unique opportunity and experience for The Woods Project's most committed young leaders. This year-long program provides development training to help students improve their leadership and team collaboration skills. The program concludes with an opportunity to be 1 of 30 students to participate in our Apostle Island Summer Alumni trip in Wisconsin. Attendance on the Apostle Islands summer trip is not mandatory for participation in the Junior Leaders Program. 

Alumni Only Summer Trip

Students that apply for and are accepted into the Junior Leaders Program will be given special consideration for the Apostle Islands Summer Alumni trip. Our summer Apostle Islands Summer Alumni trip will include 7 days of front country development including hiking, sea kayaking and leadership. We will also be completing a 7-night backcountry experience that will involve island hopping in your tandem sea kayak. This is sure to be a life-changing experience where you will build on past TWP skills and hone your leadership abilities through a new experience!


To be eligible for The Woods Project's Junior Leadership Program, you must have:

  • Attended at least one summer program with TWP. This includes our virtual summer program. 
  • Be entering your 10th -12th grade year
  • Have a strong interest in leadership development.
  • Have an open mind and be interested in exploring new ideas and places.
  • Have demonstrated leadership skills on past TWP trips.
  • Demonstrate a strong behavioral record in your classes.
  • Be mature, responsible, and willing to work with others.

Junior Leaders participate in regular programming, with other opportunities available throughout the year. BEFORE applying, applicants should be prepared to dedicate time and commitment to helping themselves, the JLP program, and The Woods Project grow in depth and range through their consistent participation. Junior Leaders that do not maintain appropriate attendance or conduct risk losing their position in the program.

Application: The application consists of basic contact information, short essay questions, and a recommendation form to be completed by TWP Volunteer or school sponsor. Please work on your essay questions BEFORE you go to the next page to fill out the application. You can review the questions below. Be thoughtful in your answers, do not go over the word limits and work with your teachers to write a well-crafted response. Once you have written your essays, please proceed to the next page to complete the application.


Question 1: Why do you want to be a part of The Woods Project's Junior Leaders Program, and what makes you a good fit? (300-500 words)


Question 2: Describe an experience in your life, outside of The Woods Project, that has had a substantial impact on shaping your world view. (200-400 words)


Question 3: Describe your recent summer experience with The Woods Project, and reflect on the changes you have seen in yourself with your participation. (200-400 words)


For reapplying JLP members:

Question 1 (for reapplying JLP members): What opportunities for growth and change could TWP implement into the Junior Leaders Program to create more effective programming that encourages leadership development, community engagement, and academic success? (200 - 400 words)


TWP Volunteer Leader or Teacher Recommendation: 

You must choose a TWP Volunteer Leader who has been on a trip with you or a teacher to give a recommendation on your behavior record and character. You are responsible for sending the online recommendation form link to a School Sponsor or a TWP Volunteer Leader of your choice and you must ensure that they submit the completed recommendation form by September 10. The link is below and will also be emailed to you once you complete this application form.

Recommendation Form:


Application due date: September 10

Students will be informed of their acceptance status within two weeks.


Questions? Contact Manny at or call (281) 371-6696. 


Proceed to the next page once you are ready to complete the online application. 

Essay Questions