Online MS in Educational Leadership - Department Application

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We are very pleased that you are interested in becoming an educational leader! 

If you have any questions about this application or the admission requirements, please contact the MS EdLd team at
Contact Information

Education Information

Employment Information

Required Documents
  • Submit a current resume which shows evidence of leadership activities (one page is fine)

  • Submit a statement of purpose that addresses AT LEAST three of the following dimensions of leadership by describing your leadership in terms of beliefs, experiences, and goals for developing your capacity as a bold, socially responsible leader.

    The leadership dimensions we are interested in learning about include:
    • Teaching and learning for equity and high achievement
    • Collaboration and learning communities
    • A culture of inquiry and continuous improvement
    • Ethical caring and reflective practice
    • Engaging families of students and community involvement

  • Three Recommendation forms
    • One should be from an organizational/educational leader
    • The other two* can be from a professional colleague or someone who works as an educator (at any level of instruction)
*If you are pursuing the PASC, one recommendation form must be from someone who holds an administrative credential.