Teton Science Schools (TSS) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire curiosity, engagement and leadership through transformative place-based education. We select candidates to
participate in an AmeriCorps field education internship in Jackson, Wyoming.
AmeriCorps members fill the following roles:
- Facilitate field activities, evening programs, meal-time curriculum, shared campus cleaning, conference logistics, and gear logistics.
- Mitigate risk during all instructor-led activities of the program, both in the field and at Teton Science Schools.
- Drive fifteen passenger vans and mini-buses to transport students, staff and equipment to field sites.
- Work with a community organization on a service project that increases scientific literacy and promotes community engagement. Recruit additional volunteers for service project.
Confidentiality: The information provided will not be made available to the applicant
unless specifically authorized to do so in writing by the person providing the information.