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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

You do not need to complete this application in one sitting. 

You may save your work and resume at a later time.

 If you have any questions while completing the application, please contact Elizabeth Nordmeyer at elizabethnordmeyer@juf.org



In order to complete your application, you will need the following: 

1.   One short writing sample (to be submitted in this application): The writing sample should be no more than 600 words from a school project or extracurricular activity. 


2.   One 1-2 minute video (to be submitted in this application) answering the prompt: "Why I want to participate in Write On for Israel"


3.   One 500-600 word essay (to be submitted in this application):

     Prepare a persuasive essay on one of the following prompts: 

·       5 things I need in order to be an effective leader

·       What I would say to someone who calls for a boycott of Israel

·       Strategies to build campus alliances beyond the Jewish community to support Israel


4.  High school transcript. Email an unofficial transcript to elizabethnordmeyer@juf.org.

5.  One 
reference form - Please send this link https://www.tfaforms.com/4720311 to one high school teacher who can attest to your suitability for the Write On for Israel program.  


**NOTE** Your application will NOT be complete and will NOT be processed until we receive your school transcript and your reference form.



SEMINARS: Applicants will be notified of the dates of seven Sunday seminars during the 2019-2020 school year as soon as they are finalized. Attendance at the seven Junior Seminars is mandatory. Seminars are held at the Weinger JCC.


ORIENTATION SESSIONS: Fellows and at least one parent must attend two program orientations

1.    Write On for Israel program orientation: This orientation will be held on Wednesday evening, September 25, 2019.

2.    Israel Trip Orientation: at the end of the March 2020 Seminar.

*These dates are subject to change


Applicant Information 

School Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian Information


Israel Travel

Writing Skills


Your application includes one 500-600 word essay which you will enter below (you can write in a text editor and then copy into the spaces provided here.)

Video Upload

Writing Sample

Copy and paste one short writing sample (no more than 600 words) from a school project or extracurricular activity below. If you write for your school paper, or any other publication or blog, we'd like to see samples of that work.

Community-Based Experience and Affiliations


Extra-Curricular Activities

Winter - Volleyball, 7 hours Spring - Cross Country, 10

By affixing my electronic signature below, I acknowledge that I have read the program requirements. I understand that, if accepted, I will abide by all of the program requirements, including the following:

1.  I will be required to attend monthly seminars, complete homework, and participate in an Israel trip in Summer 2020, and in the Senior Program in 2020-2021.


2.  It is my intention to participate fully in the two-year Write On for Israel curriculum. I understand that my family must pay a $2,500 participation fee, and that if I drop the program after the Israel trip, my family will be billed for and expected to pay the cost of that trip.