Letter of Intent
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Page 1
Organization Details
Name of Registered Charity, Qualified Donee, or Nonprofit
Registered Charitable Number (CRA Number) or Business Number (if Nonprofit)
Current Annual Operating Budget
Mailing List Consent
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The Counselling Foundation's mailing list?
CERIC's mailing list?
CERIC's French mailing list?
CERIC is a charitable organization supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada that advances education and research in career counselling and career development.
Mailing Address
Postal Code
Please select...
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Primary Contact Details
Senior staff person or your organization's contact person for this program/project.
First Name
Last Name
Organization Purpose
Your mission, vision, or statement of purpose:
Suggested word length: up to 200 words
The Counselling Foundation of Canada
Foundation House, 2 St Clair Avenue East, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M4T 2T5
Contact us with technical issues.
Page 2
Funding Details
Project/Program Title
Length of Project/Program Funding Request
# of years
Desired Project/Program Start Date
Total Amount Requested ($)
Amount per Project Year(s)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Estimated Total Project/Program Budget
If applicable, list any project/program partners that you have/intend to have for this initiative and, in a sentence or two, what role they will play.
Project Details
What is the issue you want to address or the change you want to make? What do you hope to learn from this work? Where applicable, describe the target population and geographic area and include a few significant statistics or examples.
Suggested word length: up to 300 words
Broadly speaking, what activities or actions are you thinking about or planning as part of this project?
Suggested word length: 175 - 250 words / point form is fine
In what ways do you engage with the community you serve? I.e., how do you incorporate feedback from and communicate with stakeholders?
Suggested word length: 150 - 200 words
Supporting Document
If you have a short supporting document (less than five pages) that helps to further describe your program or project, you may upload it here.
Please make sure to click the "Submit" button below to finalize your Letter of Intent.
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