Admission Form

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With innovative therapy and compassionate care, we’ll help you find balance…for family, for community, for life.

Before starting the application, it will be helpful to have the following documents ready to upload. (This information may also be forwarded to us at a later time).

·       A psychological evaluation stating an autism spectrum diagnosis (conducted by a licensed psychologist or developmental pediatrician)

·       The most recent interdisciplinary team annual review (IEP, ISP, IPP, etc)

·       SIS (Supports Intensity Score) Evaluation (adults only)

·       Medicaid and/or insurance information 

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Applicant Information

Current Services Received


Applicant Address

Referral Information

Guardian Information

Guardian Address

Guardian Address

Guardian 2

Guardian Address


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Children Service 
Balanced Beginnings is our preschool that includes affordable, classroom-style learning with structured routines for children with and without an autism diagnosis. We focus on building community among peers, developing healthy socio-emotional relationships and coping strategies, and teaching inclusivity.

Service Information

Adult Service 1
Support provided for individuals while living in the home of a parent/guardian

Please hold the CTRL key to select more than one time of service from this list.
Adult Service 2
Residential services for adults in one of six four-bedroom homes at our Pleasant Hill location, 20 miles east of Des Moines, for ages 18 and older; licensed as as ICF/ID facility.

Adult Service 3
Home and Community Based living for adults receiving support around the clock, age 18 and older, living in a provider-owned home (participants in this program are matched with up to three roommates also requiring supported community living).

Adult Service 4
Employment services offers a continuum of services ranging from structured learning to community based job coaching and support. Individuals will receive a personalized plan of support based on their unique strengths and supports required, with the overall goal of gaining the skills necessary for obtaining meaningful paid work.

Adult Service 5
Support is provided to individuals, age 18 and older, who live alone and only need a few hours per day of support.

. Please hold the CTRL key to select more than one time of service from this list.
Adult Service 6
We are in the beginning stages of developing an ABA program for adults. This service will first be offered only to adults currently receiving Balance Autism residential or employment services. If you apply for this service, we will email you with updates and opportunities as they become available.

Adult Service 7
This group is for adults on the autism spectrum. Individuals will learn social skills such as developing and maintaining friendships,  strong conversation skills, how to handle disagreements, planning get-togethers, using humor appropriately, and much more!

Adult Service 8
This group is for adults on the autism spectrum. Individuals will learn social skills such as developing and maintaining friendships,  strong conversation skills, how to handle disagreements, planning get-togethers, using humor appropriately, and much more!

Children Service 1
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Support in our autism clinic setting for children (diagnosis) up to age 18; sessions are held for up to five days a week for 3 hours per day. This service includes highly individualized programming and is designed to help children with autism thrive by developing meaningful and age-appropriate skills.

Please hold the CTRL key to select more than one time of service from this list.

Please hold the CTRL key to select more than one time of service from this list.
Children Service 2
Support provided for individuals while living in the home of a parent/guardian. (We are not currently intaking new clients for this service; wait-time may be extensive.)

Please hold the CTRL key to select more than one time of service from this list.
Children Service 3
Residential Service (8 beds) for Children in Altoona, Iowa, for ages 5 – 18 years old; licensed as ICF/ID facility.

Children Service 4 

Children Service 5
Balanced Beginnings is our preschool that includes affordable, classroom-style learning with structured routines for children with and without an autism diagnosis. We focus on building community among peers, developing healthy socio-emotional relationships and coping strategies, and teaching inclusivity.

Children Service 6
Teen group is an after-school service for pre-teens and teens with a group parent training component. In this group, teens will learn social skills such as developing and maintaining friendships, strong conversation skills, how to handle disagreements, managing teasing and bullying, how to use electronic communication, using humor appropriately, and much more!

Children Service 7
PEERS Group is an after-school service for pre-teens and teens with a group parent training component. PEERS for adolescents is an evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated teens in 5th - 12th grade who are interested in making and keeping friends and handling conflict and rejection. Teens will learn social skills such as developing and maintaining friendships, strong conversation skills, how to handle disagreements, managing teasing and bullying, electronic communication, using humor appropriately, and much more!

Children Service 8
We are exploring the option of adding daycare to our list of services. If you apply for this service, we will email you with updates and opportunities as they become available.                                                                                                                                                                                           

Children Service 9
 This is a parent/child group format for children with autism between 12-48 months. BALL is designed as a mommy & me group, with no restrictions on which caregiver attends. BALL utilizes the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). ESDM is a naturalistic style of intervention using behavior-analytic principles within a play-based, relationship-focused format. ESDM creates a child-friendly environment that fosters meaningful relationships and extensive opportunities for learning and development.                                                                                                                                                                           

Children Service 10

Children Service 11

Children Service 12

Other Services
Please provide details of the services you would like to receive in the future.

Current Agency Involvement
Please provide details of your current agency involvement.

Medical Information

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Medical Information

Yes No

If the applicant has any physical limitations, please list any adaptive devices (i.e. wheelchair, shoe inserts, braces, walkers, etc.)
Yes No

Yes No
Prescription Medication 

Yes No
Allergy Information

Please hold the CTRL key to select multiple values from this list.

Please hold the CTRL key to select multiple values from this list.

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Applicant Insurance Information


Case Manager Information

Case Manager Additional Information


The following items are needed to complete the applicant's file. This application might be submitted without supporting documentation. However, all remaining items must be received before an applicant will be added to our waiting list.


Additional Documentation 1
If you would like to provide any additional information, please add it here.

Additional Documentation 2
If you would like to provide any additional information, please add it here.

Additional Documentation 3
If you would like to provide any additional information, please add it here.

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Please include anyone that may inquire about the applicant's application file and waiting list status.