One Roof Purchase Assistance Loan Reservation Form

  • This form to be completed by Lender.
  • 30 day lead time is requested, minimum lead time is 15 days.
  • Once completed please send Reservation Form, Lender’s 1003, One Roof’s Homebuyer Education Completion Certificate, borrower’s authorization stating Lender and One Roof can share all information regarding this transaction to, please put PAL Loan in the subject line.
  • One Roof Community Lending will verify to the loan officer by email that the amount of assistance requested has been approved.
  • The loan estimate and closing disclosure will be sent to the borrower & loan officer.
  • Title work (needed for legal description, 14 days prior to closing).
  • Loan funds wired directly to Title Company.
  • Contact info: One Roof Community Lending 218-727-5372 FAX 218-727-9368
    Melanie Bonney: 218-727-5372 x 1758 or email to
    Back up Contact: Lauren Horton 218-727-5372 x.2070
If borrower has no e-mail, enter

I verify that this information is accurate and based on the most current information verified by the above listed Lending Institution. It is my understanding that this information will be used to qualify the applicant for a Purchase Assistance Loan. I also agree to provide a copy of the Settlement Statement upon closing.