FORM ID 4733141

Registrations have closed for this event. Please visit our website for other available events.
I am registering:
Note: If you require an invoice for NDIS purposes, please contact the office on before filling out the form.

Note: If the cost of camp is an issue for your child to attend, please email
Payment is mandatory to secure your registration for this event
Please ensure that you have your credit card details on you before filling out this form as your application responses will not be submitted unless credit card details are provided.

I am interested in signing up for:

Contact Details

DD/MM/YYYY e.g. 01/01/2010

If under 18, email of parent/guardian/carer

If under 18, number of parent/guardian/carer

Event Specific Questions

Additional Event Specific Questions

Participant Details
This section can be replicated for each person being registered.                                              



Required if over 18 otherwise optional

Medical Information

A reaction plan is required for those with severe allergies. An Epi Pen will need to be readily available.


Medication Name / Dosage Amount / Time to be Administered 


Event Specific Questions

Additional Event Specific Questions

Overseas Additional Event Questions


Parent / Guardian / Carer's Details

One Name Only

Must be different than Primary Contact

Must be different than Primary Contact

Must be different than both other contacts

Must be different than both other contacts

If applicable (eg in holiday park)
Permission for Online Meetings

  • All online meetings and video conferences (including ‘Breakout Rooms’) may be recorded for security purposes. Recordings will be securely stored on Scripture Union NSW private server.
  •  A “Waiting Room” (or similar) will be used to ensure only those with parental permission or those invited to the meeting enter the video conference and to prevent one leader and one participant being alone in a meeting if they join early.
  • Two trained and approved leaders will be present at all times in any online situation
  • There will to be no one-on-one video conferencing with participants under 18
  • If children are Primary age, parents are encouraged to be present/nearby during online meeting.

  • All participants must be in public or family spaces (e.g. not in bedrooms)
  • All participants must be appropriately attired
  • No bad or offensive language shall be used
  • No ‘private’ chats will be allowed. All chat comments will be public and seen by all
  • No screen sharing except by leaders
  • No custom backgrounds
  • I recognise that failure to comply with these guidelines may result in my being excluded from the online meeting
Permission and Indemnity
I permit my child / children to fully participate in this Scripture Union NSW activity. In the case of a medical emergency I give permission to Scripture Union to attain medical assistance for my child / children. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me prior to initiating such.
I permit my child to be transported as described in the information about the activity, or as otherwise may be required in emergency circumstances.
Personal details will remain confidential and will not be provided to others except as may be required by Law.The Scripture Union privacy policy is available on our website

Please note: alcohol, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes (vapes) and recreational drugs are prohibited on all SUNSW camps and missions or programs involving children or other vulnerable people.


 Please untick the below only if you DO NOT wish for your child to be photographed


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Additional Items

Additional Items

Click on "Remove" to delete the below additional items from this order



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Payment Summary


If the cost of camp is an issue for your child to attend, please email

Payment Summary





Please note that PAYMENT in FULL is required to secure your registration for this event.


Payment Information

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