Small Grant Application Form     

The Fare #FootballPeople weeks is Europe's largest campaign for social change and diversity in football. Over 100,000 people in more than 50 countries mobilise during the two-week period, to organise and participate in events and activities that seek to bring about social change. Be one of them.

Apply for a small grant up to a maximum of 500€ now.

The #FootballPeople weeks take place from 10-24 October 2019.

To apply for an event grant up to 2.500€, apply here.

If you experience any problems with the form take a print screen of the error message and send it to

Including Country number e.g. +31612345678

Use full url incl. http:// or https://

Use full url incl. http:// or https://

Use full url incl. http:// or https://

Use full url incl. http:// or https://

Please select maximum of 3 activities. Use CTRL(Windows) or CMD (Mac) to select.

Activities must take place during the #FootballPeople weeks in October 2019 or in close proximity to the weeks

Be brief but specific. Describe what will you do, where, when, where, how, who are your partners in the project, who will participate, who can attend, etc. (50-250 words)

Estimated total number in all your activities.

Estimated total number in all your activities.

List your partners (15-150 words)

Name the media you will contact, the resources you will produce/distribute (leaftelts, posters, etc), where and how will you promote the activity (website, social media), etc. (25-150 words)

Who will be attending your event? Is a registration required? (10-50 words)

Please fill in an amount in €

Describe how the money will be used. (10-100 words)