LUVPrimrose School Guidelines

Please consider this document a formal notice that

will be hosting one or more Level Up Village (LUV) courses.

Primrose® Guidelines for Level Up Village


The Level Up Village curriculum and virtual pen pal exchange helps children build cultural awareness skills through a classroom-level partnership with a school from another country. As always, Primrose is mindful of privacy concerns and the following guidelines were designed to help limit the risk of disclosing individual children’s personal information:


·       Level Up Village is designed to be done as a class-to-class partnership (no individual children should be communicating)

·       Choose a pseudonym (pretend name) for your school and use this pretend school name throughout the length of the project. Children may help choose the pretend class name (Example: The Bunnies)

·       Do not enter the real school name anywhere on the platform (with the exception of the initial registration process)

·       Children’s names should not be entered into the platform anywhere

·       The “chat” function is only for teacher-teacher information exchange and should not give any information about the school name, location (other than the state), or children’s information

·       Any videos should avoid using last names, showing Primrose logos, or mentioning the real school name

·       Teachers should use first name only on the platform (Example: Miss Tanya or Tanya R.)

·       Disclosure and consent are required for parents of all children who are participating.  [Give additional details here once we finalize the parent communication with the COPPA disclosure.]

·       If you receive any parent requests about removing a child’s name/image from the platform, please contact Level Up Village promptly to determine next steps, and also let us know.
