Your Details

We will use the details you provide to send your Brainy Bag and ensure the contents are appropriate for your child. If you are happy to share any health information with us, we will use this to provide relevant information and support, monitor our services and make improvements in future.

Please note: Brainy Bags are available for all children and young people with a brain tumour diagnosis within the United Kingdom only.

I am their

The child's details

Keeping in Touch

We'll send your child's Brainy Bag shortly, however we'd also love to keep you up-to-date on how we are making a difference, this will include information about research, support services and how you can get involved, for example by fundraising, campaigning or volunteering.

You can change your contact preferences at any time by emailing or calling 01252 237792.
Your details are held on our secure database and we promise never to share them with any other organisation for their marketing purposes. You can find out more in our Privacy Policy.