You will need to provide the relevant supporting documents based on the circumstances you selected. If you do not provide any supporting evidence your grant will not be considered:
Daily living costs:
- evidence of increased bills / expenditure (a before and after comparison with energy bills for example, or even groceries);
- evidence of debts, bills you're struggling to pay or loans;
- evidence of arrears with rent or bills;
- credit card balance docs;
- low bank balance;
- other evidence of a specific cost (school uniforms, shoes and essential household stuff / repairs etc);
- evidence of seeking debt advice
Illness or Injury: Medical confirmation
o SSP stating time off work due to health issue.
o Medical letter confirming the condition.
o Mobility aids need to be recommended by a medical professional.
o If you are requesting a grant to pay towards home adaptations due to disability, you must have applied for a Disabled Facilities Grant and have a recent occupational therapist’s letter recommending the adaptations.
Repair Costs: Two Contractor Quotes
Preventing Eviction/ rent arrears: Proof of Eviction Proceedings or rent arrears
Bankruptcy or DRO Requests: Letter from a Debt Advice Specialist
Moving Costs: New tenancy agreement
Domestic Violence: Letter /crime reports
Funeral Costs: Funeral bill
New starter grant:
Inv Invoices/quotes or evidence of costs