Host Site Application Form

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Host Site Selection Criteria & Expectations

MCC Statement:
MCC is committed to being welcoming to all and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply. We are working to reduce barriers to participating in our programs. This program is available to all, without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or expression, political affiliation, marital or parental status, genetic information, and military service.

Supervisor Expectations
  • Designate an on-site supervisor and check in with the CI/CF regularly (daily in the beginning of the program, and at least 1-2 times weekly). Supervisors will also sign member time sheets, participate in site visits and complete all necessary program reporting
  • Attend one host site supervisor training (via conference call) prior to the start of the season.
  • Clearly identify projects and goals that will fulfill an unmet need, positively affect the community and provide a valuable experience for the AmeriCorps CI/CF member
  • Help recruit potential members and complete interviews and reference checks of prospective members
  • Provide the member with a thorough orientation to the community and organization’s philosophy, program, policies, board members and staff
  • Share success stories and help promote and support the program as appropriate.
  • Allow member to attend the required program trainings: Orientation in May (all CIs),
  • Graduation/In-season Training in August (all CI/CFs), Extended Term Graduation in October (Extended
  • Term Only)
  • Strictly adhere to MCC AmeriCorps member policies and MCC’s risk management protocols
  • Complete 2 evaluations (mid and end of season)
  • Adhere to host site responsibilities and timeline outlined on the next page
  • Accommodate two hours per week for member to work on MCC paperwork and professional development activities
  • Provide a computer/internet or fax machine or allocate time during business hours (prior to Mondays at 10:00am) for the CI/CF to go to a public library, school, etc. to submit biweekly paperwork
  • Selected host sites will be asked to sign a Memorandum of Agreement that identifies the roles and responsibilities of each organization


Salesforce Static Fields - Update Yearly!
*Ensure that the Position Name formula is updated to the current year in the Salesforce Connector*

AmeriCorps Prohibited Activities

AmeriCorps prohibits their members from participating in several activities (see below). Not all prohibited activities are listed. For more information, please contact Bryan Wilson at or (406) 585-5913.
  • Participating in religious activities or, partisan political activities during designated service hours
  • Participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials
  • Engaging in any efforts to influence legislation, including state or local ballot initiatives
  • Administrative work, unless it directly relates to the member’s approved direct service activities
  • Assignments that displace employees
  • Remote Work/Teleservice -- AmeriCorps members should generally be providing service directly to the people and in the communities where they serve rather than performing service remotely. Therefore, teleservice should be rare, if ever, and involve appropriate documentation, supervision and oversight. Teleservice is appropriate only when the activity can be meaningfully supervised and the hours verified independently and should only be a small portion of the member's total hours.

Host Site Timeline & Responsibilities

Host Site Information

Organization Info

Member Service Location
This is the address the member(s) will be located.

Primary Supervisor

Yes No
Person Completing Application (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE)


Cost Share

The required cost share is $14,000 (May-October) and/or $10,500 (May-August) per Conservation Intern/Fellow. 

Position Details

MCC staff will recruit and conduct the initial screening of applicants to determine interest and qualifications before candidates are referred to the host site for second interviews. Because of this, it is important for MCC to understand the qualities you are looking for in a Conservation Intern.

List the top three specific skills and qualifications that will best suit the project and host site needs. If there are other skills or a need to elaborate, you can do so in the following question