Biostatistics / Bioinformatics Consulting

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Request for Consultation

If you use our consultation services, you agree to cite us in your publications. Please email if you have any questions about citing us.

The information will be reviewed and a consultant will contact you. Please note: These consultation services are available to investigators at Harvard University and its affiliated institutions only.

Contact Information

Professional Information

Bioinformatics-Specific Information

If none of the listed institutions apply, please select "No Preference."

Biostatistics-Specific Information

If none of the listed institutions apply, please select "No Preference."

If you would like to request a specific consultant, please enter their name here.

Consultation Information

In 2-3 sentences, describe your project and why you are requesting a consultation.

I understand that Harvard Catalyst Consultations are free of charge, and I agree to:


• Cite Harvard Catalyst's support in any publications or grants that arise as a result of this consultation.

•Respond to Harvard Catalyst surveys to report any such publications or grants.

I understand that this information is required for renewal of the funding that supports Harvard Catalyst, and that I will receive periodic follow-up requests for this information in the future. I also understand that I will be asked to answer a brief survey either during the consultation or once it has ended.

Please note: This process is complete only once you are taken to a confirmation screen and receive a confirmation email. If you don’t receive a confirmation email or have any questions, please contact us.