By checking the checkbox and submitting your event request, I/my organization agrees to safeguard the reputation of the Travis Mills Foundation and have reviewed the Terms and Conditions of hosting an event. Additionally, I/my company understand that using the TMF name and logo as a benefactor for the event must gain approval first prior to having it on promotional event materials and expires immediately upon completion of the approved fundraiser. The Travis Mills Foundation cannot be held responsible in any way for casualties, injuries, and/or situations that occur at your event. If at any time the Travis Mills Foundation believes that its best interests are being jeopardized or if the above guidelines are not followed, we reserve the right to cancel the fundraiser. When possible, we strongly encourage community supporters to attend a Travis Mills Foundation Open House to see the veterans retreat your fundraising helped to support, meet the TMF staff, SSG Travis Mills, and our volunteers. If you have questions or concerns, please email us at
Everyone at the Travis Mills Foundation thanks you for your generous time and support of our mission!