Colorado's Human Trafficking Hotline: Resource Agency Survey
Thank you for being part of the Colorado's Human Trafficking Hotline Resource Directory (also known as CoNEHT). Your participation today allows us to better serve survivors of human trafficking across Colorado. The Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking is proud to support the growth of this important resource network. Please fill out this survey so that we may keep our records up to date and accurate. It will take about 10 minutes. Your responses will help us ensure comprehensive and seamless referrals. Thank you for all that you do!
Public Contact Information
Do you authorize LCHT to include your agency/organization's information on our public Online Resource Directory Webpage?
I prefer that this information not be made public on a website, but would still like to be a referral resource for survivors who call the hotline
If no, please tell us why?
Agency/organization type
Direct Services (in-house)
Law Enforcement
Indirect Services only
Government Agency
Please specify your "other" agency/organization type
Agency/Organization Name
Office Email (if applicable)
Office Phone Number
Emergency/Crisis Number (if applicable)
Hours of Operation
Street or mailing Address
Please select...
Adams County, Colorado
Alamosa County, Colorado
Arapahoe County, Colorado
Archuleta County, Colorado
Baca County, Colorado
Bent County, Colorado
Boulder County, Colorado
Broomfield, Colorado
Carbonate County, Colorado
Chaffee County, Colorado
Cheyenne County, Colorado
Clear Creek County, Colorado
Conejos County, Colorado
Costilla County, Colorado
Crowley County, Colorado
Custer County, Colorado
Delta County, Colorado
Denver County, Colorado
Dolores County, Colorado
Douglas County, Colorado
Eagle County, Colorado
El Paso County, Colorado
Elbert County, Colorado
Fremont County, Colorado
Garfield County, Colorado
Gilpin County, Colorado
Grand County, Colorado
Greenwood County, Colorado Territory
Guadaloupe County, Colorado Territory
Gunnison County, Colorado
Hinsdale County, Colorado
Huerfano County, Colorado
Jackson County, Colorado
Jefferson County, Colorado
Kiowa County, Colorado
Kit Carson County, Colorado
La Plata County, Colorado
Lake County, Colorado
Larimer County, Colorado
Las Animas County, Colorado
Lincoln County, Colorado
Logan County, Colorado
Mesa County, Colorado
Mineral County, Colorado
Moffat County, Colorado
Montezuma County, Colorado
Montrose County, Colorado
Morgan County, Colorado
Otero County, Colorado
Ouray County, Colorado
Park County, Colorado
Phillips County, Colorado
Pitkin County, Colorado
Platte County, Colorado Territory
Prowers County, Colorado
Pueblo County, Colorado
Rio Blanco County, Colorado
Rio Grande County, Colorado
Routt County, Colorado
Saguache County, Colorado
San Juan County, Colorado
San Miguel County, Colorado
Sedgwick County, Colorado
South Arapahoe County, Colorado
Summit County, Colorado
Teller County, Colorado
Uncompaghre County, Colorado
Washington County, Colorado
Weld County, Colorado
Yuma County, Colorado
Geographic area served
Colorado Statewide
Please specify your "other" geographic area served
Please specify which city or cities
Counties served
Please select...
Adams County, Colorado
Alamosa County, Colorado
Arapahoe County, Colorado
Archuleta County, Colorado
Baca County, Colorado
Bent County, Colorado
Boulder County, Colorado
Broomfield, Colorado
Carbonate County, Colorado
Chaffee County, Colorado
Cheyenne County, Colorado
Clear Creek County, Colorado
Conejos County, Colorado
Costilla County, Colorado
Crowley County, Colorado
Custer County, Colorado
Delta County, Colorado
Denver County, Colorado
Dolores County, Colorado
Douglas County, Colorado
Eagle County, Colorado
El Paso County, Colorado
Elbert County, Colorado
Fremont County, Colorado
Garfield County, Colorado
Gilpin County, Colorado
Grand County, Colorado
Greenwood County, Colorado Territory
Guadaloupe County, Colorado Territory
Gunnison County, Colorado
Hinsdale County, Colorado
Huerfano County, Colorado
Jackson County, Colorado
Jefferson County, Colorado
Kiowa County, Colorado
Kit Carson County, Colorado
La Plata County, Colorado
Lake County, Colorado
Larimer County, Colorado
Las Animas County, Colorado
Lincoln County, Colorado
Logan County, Colorado
Mesa County, Colorado
Mineral County, Colorado
Moffat County, Colorado
Montezuma County, Colorado
Montrose County, Colorado
Morgan County, Colorado
Otero County, Colorado
Ouray County, Colorado
Park County, Colorado
Phillips County, Colorado
Pitkin County, Colorado
Platte County, Colorado Territory
Prowers County, Colorado
Pueblo County, Colorado
Rio Blanco County, Colorado
Rio Grande County, Colorado
Routt County, Colorado
Saguache County, Colorado
San Juan County, Colorado
San Miguel County, Colorado
Sedgwick County, Colorado
South Arapahoe County, Colorado
Summit County, Colorado
Teller County, Colorado
Uncompaghre County, Colorado
Washington County, Colorado
Weld County, Colorado
Yuma County, Colorado
Please specify which of the above contact methods can be made publicly available (check all that apply).
Office phone number
Emergency/crisis number
Geographical area served
Email address
Brief description of organization/agency and services provided
Please provide your mission statement (if applicable)
Please provide a brief description of your agency/organization and the services you provide
(250 word limit)
Populations Served
Age served (check all that apply)
Specific age range served
Please specify age range
Does your organization have specialized training and/or specific programming in place for any of the following populations? (check all that apply)
Individuals with disabilities
Individuals experiencing homelessness
Non citizens/Limited English Proficient
Specific racial or ethnic communities
Awesome! Please explain the specialized training received and/or the specific programming in place.
Which specific racial or ethnic communities do you serve?
Please explain your "other" vulnerable population served
Language Capacity
Language line/Interpreter
Please explain your "other" language capacity
Gender served (check all that apply)
Special considerations (e.g., women and children only, families only,etc.)
All genders served
Gender non-conforming
Gender fluid
Gender queer
Please specify your "other" gender served
Please explain special considerations (if you have specialized services for any genders please explain here):
Services Provided
Type of in-house services provided (check all that apply)
Medical/health care
Mental Health
Food Assistance
Financial Assistance
Case Management
Addiction treatment/services
Crisis services (24 hour access)
Education/job training
Transportation assistance
Human trafficking outreach/awareness
Please specify your "other" in-house services provided
If you provide shelter, check one or both
Long term
Short term
If you provide legal services, what type? (check all that apply)
Does your organization require identification papers or specific paperwork in order to provide services to clients?
Choose not to answer
Please specify what form of identification is required
Driver's license
Birth certificate
Work Visa
Please specify your "other" type of identification required.
Organization Details (this information is private)
Type of organization/agency
Government agency
Please specify your "other" type of organization/agency
Staff Point of Contact (for internal use only)
First Name
Last Name
Staff contact email (for internal use only)
Is your organization a faith-based organization?
Are clients/patients expected to engage in faith-related activities as part of service delivery?
Has your organization received a training on human trafficking?
Please provide the approximate date of the training
What organization/individual facilitated your training?
Would you like a training? (Training is required to be a part of this directory)
Does your organization report to law enforcement?
If mandated by mandatory reporting requirements
Please explain your "other" law enforcement reporting
Does immigration status affect eligibility for services?
Choose not to answer
Does your organization require insurance?
What type of insurance is required?
Does your organization currently receive funding to provide services specifically for victims/survivors of trafficking?
If your agency received additional funding, how would the agency use it to better serve human trafficking victims/survivors?
Is there anything we missed? Please tell us anything else about your organization or programming that you would like us to know.
Thank you for sharing with us today and for the incredible work you do for the Colorado community!
only click "Submit" once
when you're ready. It may take several seconds to process. You will be directed to an LCHT website landing page when your submission is complete. Thank you!
Contact Information