Colorado's Human Trafficking Hotline: Resource Agency Survey

Thank you for being part of the Colorado's Human Trafficking Hotline Resource Directory (also known as CoNEHT). Your participation today allows us to better serve survivors of human trafficking across Colorado. The Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking is proud to support the growth of this important resource network.  Please fill out this survey so that we may keep our records up to date and accurate. It will take about 10 minutes. Your responses will help us ensure comprehensive and seamless referrals. Thank you for all that you do!
Public Contact Information
(250 word limit)
Populations Served
Services Provided
Organization Details (this information is private)
Staff Point of Contact (for internal use only)

Thank you for sharing with us today and for the incredible work you do for the Colorado community!

-Team LCHT

only click "Submit" once when you're ready. It may take several seconds to process.  You will be directed to an LCHT website landing page when your submission is complete.  Thank you!