Tahoe Rim Trail Association


The Tahoe Rim Trail Association (TRTA) is in search of organizations interested in participating in the Youth Backcountry Camp (YBCC) Program.

Happy Youth Backcountry Camp Participants


The YBCC Program consists of 4-day, 3-night backpacking expeditions that utilize hands-on learning and a wilderness education curriculum for youth ages 12-17.

The TRTA forms partnerships with organizations to provide the YBCC experience at no cost to youth who face barriers to outdoor recreation and education.

Trained TRTA Instructors lead youth participants and partner chaperones on segments of the Tahoe Rim Trail on the ancestral lands of the Washoe people.

YBCC trips run from June to August.

YBCC aims to inspire a conservation ethic and boost confidence in youth through facilitating challenging and rewarding experiences in the outdoors.

YBCC curriculum focuses on the following:
Backcountry Skills
Learn Backcountry Skills on YBCC
Life Skills
Learn Life Skills on YBCC
Natural History
Learn Natural History on YBCC
Learn Leave No Trace on YBCC


The TRTA provides at no cost: 
  • Two trained TRTA Instructors with Wilderness First Aid, CPR, Lifeguard, and Epinephrine certifications, and training in Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Trip handbooks in English and Spanish for youth participants and the partner chaperones
  • Transportation from the TRTA office to the program sites and back
  • Backpacking gear for youth participants and the partner chaperones
  • Trip itineraries, permits, and accident insurance for uninsured campers
  • Radio and emergency communication devices
  • Meals and snacks
Partners are expected to:
  • Recruit 12-13 youth participants ages 12-17
  • Provide two chaperones to attend the TRTA's 2-day Instructor Training hosted in June and the 4-day YBCC trip in the summer
  • Attend an information night for TRTA staff to promote the program to prospective YBCC youth participants and their guardians
  • Submit participant registration paperwork one month before the trip
  • Provide transportation for participants between the TRTA office in Stateline, NV and the partner meeting location
To learn more about the YBCC Program, visit our website at: 

or contact the Youth Programs Manager, Michelle Witte at

(775) 298-4493, michellew@tahoerimtrail.org

To be considered for partnership with the Tahoe Rim Trail Association's Youth Backcountry Camp Program, fill out the form below.
Youth Backcountry Camper Smiling and Smores

Organization Details




To have a successful partnership, communication is key.


The Partner Memorandum of Understaning (MOU) offers clarity on partner expectations and describes the TRTA's policies and procedures to be followed throughout the duration of the partnership. Please read the Sample YBCC Partner MOU here.


Each partner will be required to submit a short story to the TRTA after their YBCC experience, due two weeks after the trip. Stories may be a collaboration with youth participants. You can find a sample here.



YBCC trips run from June through August. The TRTA works to accommodate many partner organizations within this short summer season, therefore a preferred trip date may not be available to your organization. Applicants with limited availability for trip date options may not be considered for partnership.  


Each partner will receive a YBCC Handbook, which provides specific program information including the trip itinerary and packing list helpful for recruitment, to be given to youth and their guardians. See sample YBCC Handbook here.

Information Night

The TRTA requires partner attendance at a TRTA information night, held in March. The information night allows an opportunity for TRTA staff to conduct a YBCC presentation with a Q&A to prospective YBCC participants and their guardians. TRTA staff, youth, and their guardians are able to meet in-person to build a relationship of trust and begin the registration process.

Participant Registration Packet

Each youth participant is required to submit a YBCC registration form. Partners are responsible for the recruitment and submission of registration forms for 12-13 youth participants, no later than one month before the trip.

Partner Chaperones

Partners are required to provide two CPR-certified chaperones to support youth during the program. Chaperones must be background checked, 21 years or older, trained through the TRTA's 2-day Instructor Training, and participating in the partner's 4-day YBCC trip.
All new chaperones must attend both days of the training, while all returning chaperones must attend the TRTA's risk management training.


The TRTA requires each partner organization to provide transportation between the partner's participant meeting location and the TRTA office in Stateline for the program.

If you answered no to any of the above, please know that you may not be considered for partnership. Providing the impactful outdoor experience to youth requires a strong partnership with organizations dedicated to ensuring success of the program.

Youth Backcountry Camp Participants Adventure

Thank you for your interest in the YBCC Program and for taking the time to complete this form. Please direct any questions to the Youth programs Manager, Michelle Witte at michellew@tahoerimtrail.org or call 775-298-4493.