I have received and read the ACEN Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy #1 and agree to comply in all respects with this Policy.
I understand my duties to avoid any actual conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest regarding any ACEN-accredited program. I understand that I shall not ever have direct involvement with and/or participate in any decision-making capacity for a nursing program if I have an actual or potential conflict of interest with the program. I further understand that I have a duty to disclose an actual or potential conflict of interest as described in Policy #1 that must be exercised as soon as the conflict becomes apparent. Accordingly, (1) I will not vote on any nursing program status in which I have an actual or potential conflict of interest with the governing organization, nursing education unit, or nursing program; (2) I will not participate in a site visit to a nursing program in which I have an actual or potential conflict of interest with the governing organization, nursing education unit, or nursing program; (3) I will recuse myself and will not participate in the discussion of, visit to, or vote on any nursing program in which I have an actual or potential conflict of interest with the governing organization, nursing education unit, or nursing program.
I also understand and agree to all of Policy #1's provisions related to my conduct and my obligation to maintain confidentiality of all information regarding each nursing program accredited by the ACEN.