REPs Ireland - Endorsement Submission

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Contact Details

PLEASE NOTE: The maximum upload limit for this form is 35MB. If you think the total size of the documents you need to upload will exceed this limit, please first contact us at or +44 (0)333 577 0908.

Organisation Details

Invoicing Details

Administrator Contact Details (optional)


We are unable to proceed with your application at this point. Please do not submit your application but save your progress and contact the Professional Development Team on +44 (0) 333 577 0908.

If you do not own the intellectual property of this training programme please contact for a copy of the IP Permission Form to complete and attach.

Ensure the title is accurate and consistent with how you will be representing your training in your marketing and on your certificate of achievement (if applicable).
Please provide a brief overview of your training to include: the target market ie who you want to come on your training, research sources, and what the learner will be able to do once they complete your programme.
Please let us know when you what to be able to deliver this training as endorsed. Please note that your evaluator report may take up to 3 weeks and there may be actions for you to complete before gaining full approval.

Please provide login details and relevant instructions so that the evaluator can view the online element (without having to complete the course).
Please provide login details and relevant instructions so that the evaluator can view the online element (without having to complete the course).
Please specify your programme's learning aims and outcomes. For information on how to create these, refer to the Endorsement Guide.
How many learners will a single tutor be delivering this programme to as one cohort?
All endorsed CPD must specify a prerequisite fitness qualification that a REPs Ireland member must have in order to undertake the training. To help guide you in determining your pre-requisite have a look at the Mapping page on or the relevant guide.
This is the number of hours of learning for your course - it includes the delivery time, assessment time, and any refreshment breaks.

This is the number of hours of learning for your course - it includes the delivery time, assessment time, and any refreshment breaks.
Please check the guide for the mandatory hours for your discipline.
Please check the guide for the mandatory hours for your discipline.
Please check the guide for the mandatory hours for your discipline.
Please check the guide for the mandatory hours for your discipline.

Page 5 - Evidence

Use the template (see Downloads section below) to detail the facilities in place at any venue where the training will take place and any specialist equipment available for the learners.
Please upload a short video of each of the venues you will be using so that they can be approved. Please video each venue separately.
Please download the Team Matrix (see Downloads section below and complete it with the names of your delivery team and the roles they will be undertaking

Please upload details about your student registration process, what records you keep and how you maintain its security.
Your tutor information pack must include all the information the tutor will need in order to run the training consistently and effectively, including lesson plans, a full timetable, PowerPoints, evaluation form, student register etc. Check the Endorsement Guide for more details.

Your learner pack must provide everything your learners need before the course, during the course and afterwards. It includes the learner manual that they will use during the course. Our Learner Information Pack provides a structure and advice - visit the Shop for details (see link below). Or check the Endorsement Guide for more information on the criteria.
PDA has created an assessment pack that you can use either with our learner manual or your own. A fee of £200 (+ VAT if applicable) will be added to your submission fee if you select PDA's assessment.
Please provide the practical and/or theory assessments. When submitting the assessments be sure to show the marking criteria. We will also need to know how you are going to conduct the assessment, known as the assessment strategy. Check the Endorsement Guide to ensure you have met all the evidence criteria. Don't forget we provide assessments for Pre & Post Natal Foundation Training that you can use with either our manual or your own.
The administration pack ensures you have all of the necessary systems and processes in place to guarantee that you can process, support and deliver training to the learners efficiently and effectively. This contributes to safeguarding your organisation against complaints and appeals. Check the Endorsement Guide to ensure you have everything in your pack to meet our criteria. Our Administration Pack contains all the policies you will need, already written by experienced industry experts. For more information and to purchase your copy visit our Shop (see link below).
Ensure you have provided a consent form that relates to the specific criteria of an athlete who may be under contract – see the Endorsement Guide for full details.
Use the link below to access the Mapping Toolkit page on the website to download the toolkit/s relevant to your training. Complete all the columns, save and upload here. For further information on how to complete the mapping and an example, check out the Endorsement Guide. If you need support call us on +44 333 577 0908 for advice.
Use the link below to access the Mapping Toolkit page on the website to download the toolkit/s relevant to your training. Complete the columns as necessary and upload here. For further information on how to complete the mapping and an example, check out the Endorsement Guide. If you get stuck call us on +44 333 577 0908 for advice.
Please attach the evaluation form for your event, which should include feedback on the venue, presentations/workshops, presenters/workshop leaders, and organisation of the event. Evaluation form feedback is essential for planning future events.
This details what you will do to ensure that the standard of delivery is the same across all your endorsed programmes or that the endorsed event you are running is a success. Check the CPD Endorsement Guide to ensure you have met all the evidence criteria.
Please supply short biographies for the presenters or workshop leaders taking part in your event, showing relevant experience and qualifications in the subject in which they are delivering.

Please provide a list of the presentations and/or workshops taking place, together with all presentation materials, ie PowerPoints, hand-outs, videos etc.
Attach the marketing that has been created to support your programme or event, or a draft of what is planned. Please indicate where the endorsement logos will be placed (you will receive the logos once you are approved).
Upload a draft copy of your Certificate of Achievement showing where you will place the endorsement logos when you receive them after approval. You can see an example of a certificate in the Endorsement Guide.
Upload a draft copy of your Certificate of Attendance showing where you will place the endorsement logos when you receive them after approval. You can see an example of a certificate in the Endorsement Guide.
Please attach your company logo as a .png file so that we can use it to promote your endorsement when approved.
You must provide letters of support for the technical content of the programme from at least two clinical medical specialists who have expertise in the field which is covered by this course. Please refer to the submission guide to ensure your letters meet the full criteria.
Upload any additional support documents here.


Visit the Mapping Toolkit page

Visit the PD:Approval shop


Download: Team Matrix

Download: Biography Template

Download: Lesson Plan Template


PLEASE NOTE: An additional fee of £200 (+VAT if applicable) will be required if your submission is incomplete and your technical evaluator requests further evidence, so please check before submitting that you have provided all the correct information.
Read the Contract Terms for the Approval of Education and the Code of Conduct & Practice for Approved Training Providers here (this link will open in a new tab).