VTEC: Research Project/Internship Submission Form
Principal Investigators/Direct Internship Supervisors
Please select how many PI's/Supervisors will be on the project, and provide the following information.
How many PI's/Direct Internship Supervisors will be on this project?
Please select...
PI/Supervisor First Name
PI/Supervisor Last Name
PI/Supervisor Email
Secondary PI/Supervisor First Name
Secondary PI/Supervisor Last Name
Secondary PI/Supervisor Email
Secondary PI/Supervisor Phone
Project Location
Please select...
Florida State - ESRDC
Mississippi State - ESRDC
San Diego, CA - EvoNexus
Port Hueneme, CA - EXWC
San Diego, CA - NIWC
Honolulu, HI - NIWC
Monterey, CA - NPS
Bethesda, MD - NSWC Caderock
Norfolk, VA - NSWC Carderock
Kansas City, MO - UMKC
Davis, CA - UCD
La Jolla, CA - UCSD
Orange County, FL - UCF
Pomona, CA - Cal Poly Ponoma
Tallahassee, FL - FSU
Tempe, AZ - ASU
West Lafayette, IN - Purdue University
Other: Write in
(If Other, write in the project/job location below)
Project Location - Other: Write in
(City, State)
Research Project/Internship Details
Is this a new or existing research project/internship?
Please select...
Modality of Internship
Please select...
In Person
Research Project/Internship Name or Title
- (Please indicate the scope and objectives of the project/job.)
Start Date
Estimated End Date
- (i.e. machine learning, power grid design, PCB testing, etc...)
Ex: machine learning, micro-grid design, info-sec, etc.
Requested Majors
- (Please indicate which educational majors you are looking for.)
i.e. Electrical Engineer (power systems), Computer Science, etc...
Intern Responsibilities
- Please indicate potential tasks or responsibilities you may have that would be appropriate for an intern.
Ex: Data entry, Arduino programming, etc...
Preferred Coursework and Certifications
- Please indicate educational prerequisites you require for your interns.
Ex: Statics and Dynamics, Computer Science Foundations, Statistics, etc...
Preferred Skills
- Please indicate potential qualifications you are looking for in an intern.
Ex: Engine maintenance, Redhat/Ubuntu administration, etc...
Expected Weekly Hours - Not to exceed 20 hours/week during the semester or 40 hours/week over summer.
Access Needs (Internships located at DoD facilities only)
Please select...
Other: Write in
Government positions only. Check all that apply or NONE if not applicable.
Other: Write In - Access Needs
Number of Interns Requested
Are you collaborating with an Outside Partner (education institution or private corporation) for this project?
Please select...
Please list the institution, name and title of the point of contact and the department.
Contact Information