Compassionate Neighbours Referral Form

Thank you for choosing Compassionate Neighbours.


In order for us to offer the best possible service to our community members, we now have a new referral form which you can access on the link below:


Kind regards

The Compassionate Neighbours Team

Garden House Hospice Care

Referrer Details

If your Organisation is not mentioned on this list, then please select "Other" and specify the name of your organisation

No spaces allowed

eg. Friend, Family Member
Details of the person who would like support

No spaces allowed

No spaces allowed

Enter date as DD/MM/YYYY or use the calendar

Please enter postcode with a space (eg SG6 1QU)


Additional Details

Next of Kin details

No spaces allowed

Enter date as DD/MM/YYYY or use the calendar
Please Note:
The Referrer will only be notified should a suitable match be unsuccessful or the person does not meet our criteria.

Thank you for your referral.  If there is anything else you would like to discuss, please contact the Compassionate Neighbours Team.